The Two Truths of Winnicott
The Two Truths of Winnicott

November 24, 2022 Z. Loparic Winnicott is not a man of just one truth. His truths are many, of different ages, his own and those of others, and of all humanity, and he has them all within himself. The truths are of various types: scientific...

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Care-Cure October 21, 2022 Z. Loparic In 1971, in the opening lines of a lecture for a meeting in Rome left unfinished, and already quite ill, a few days before his death, Winnicott addressed his last plea to the psychoanalytic community: “I am...

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Where we fall ill
Where we fall ill

Septemper 23, 2022 Z. Loparic Winnicott revolutionized psychoanalytic pathology when he stated, in 1948, that schizophrenia is a sort of environmental deficiency disease. Mental illnesses are traditionally seen in psychoanalysis as a result of...

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Where we live creatively
Where we live creatively

Septemper 16, 2022 Z. Loparic Winnicott established a clear contrast between his concept of creative living, whereby the individual builds a life that, whatever the suffering, is worth living, and the Freudian concept of adaptive living for the...

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Two Ways to Live One’s Life
Two Ways to Live One’s Life

Cult, April 22, 2022 Z. Loparic Winnicott did not change psychoanalysis by providing new answers to old problems. His revolution consisted in recognizing the existence of problems that had evaded psychoanalytic treatment or been misdiagnosed, and...

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Paradigm Group Activities

Upcoming Activities 2023 Research Seminars on the Winnicottian Revolution Coordinator: Z. LoparicAssistant coordinator: Roseana Moraes Participants: Alessandra M. Avila, Alfredo Naffat Neto, Alice McCaffrey Busnardo, Ana Virginia, Ariadne...

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KUHN AND PSYCHOANALYSIS 1. The use of Kuhn theory of paradigms and of scientific revolution in recent Winnicott studies  Winnicott was and still is acknowledged by many as an outstanding practitioner who, however, did not make any decisive...

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Paradigm Group

The research conducted by the IRG-WP will be based on the thesis, which is nowadays accepted by an increasing number of authors, that Winnicott´s contribution to psychoanalysis can be viewed as a paradigm shift as described by Thomas S. Kuhn...

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Proposal for Candidacy to the Presidency of the IWA

I. The slate President: Roseana Garcia (Brazil) Vice-President: Zhao Chengzhi (China) Vice-President: Rosário Belo (Portugal) Treasurer: Ariadne Engelberg de Moraes (Brazil) Assistant Treasurer: Cris Paiva (Brazil) Secretary: Wei Chenchi (Kevin)...

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