

In the year 2023 we will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the foundation of the IWA by Professor Zeljko Loparic. The International Winnicott Association (IWA) is a worldwide academic civil entity, whose purpose is to publicize, promote and continue Winnicott’s legacy. This legacy is compounded by his extraordinary original work and also by his appeal to scholars of his work to continue the revolution he started in psychoanalysis.

In these ten years, with the participation of affiliated groups from different countries – Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, China, England, France, Greece, Israel, Italy and Portugal – the IWA held four International Congresses, in which several Winnicottian theses were presented and debated.

The Fifth International Winnicott Association Congress will be held in São Paulo, Brazil, from the 14th to the 18th of June 2023. This biennial Congress is sponsored and funded by the IWA and the Brazilian Institute of Winnicottian Psychoanalysis (IBPW), which will organize the meeting.

The general theme of the 5th Congress is:

Aggression and the Maturational Processes

The main objective of this Congress is to explore the new theory of aggression proposed by Winnicott, which is one of the pillars of his paradigm shift. For him, aggression, like all other human dimensions, needs to be experienced throughout maturational processes, in the presence of a good enough environment, in order to be integrated into the self, otherwise it will remain dissociated, complicating the life of the individual and the life in society.


IWA members: R$ 350*
Professionals: R$ 500*
Students: R$ 200*

* For international payments the amount is converted into euro according to the exchange rate of the day.

Go to the following link and click on “inscrições” to fill the form and subscribe to the event!

Aggression in the Theory of the Maturational Processes

Organization of the Congress

Host and sponsored by:
International Winnicott Association

Brazilian Institute of Winnicottian Psychoanalysis (IBPW)

Scientific Committee

  • Zeljko Loparic
  • Rosário Belo
  • Zhao Chengzhi
  • Susanna Guida
  • Leticia Minhot
  • Elsa Oliveira Dias

Brazilian Organization Committee

Roseana Garcia (IWA President)
Luciana Sarkozy (IBPW/IWA)
Wei Chenxi (IWA General Secretary)
Sofia Serôdio (IWA Assistant Secretary)

General Schedule


Wednesday, 2023/14/6

08h30 | Subject: Opening Ceremony
Speaker: Roseana Garcia (IWA President)

08h45 | Subject: The importance of the holding environment and coexistence in aging: ability to live and ability to die
Speaker: Pedro Britto e Ivonise Fernandes da Motta (Brazil)

09h15 | Subject: The dying quilt and the girl’s cry for survival
Speaker: Chenxi Wei (China)

09h45 | Coffee Break

10h00 | Subject: The therapist as the ‘mirror of the negative’: weaving between destructiveness, emptiness and aliveness
Speaker: Nikolaos Tzikas (UK)

10h30 | Subject: Diego and the monsters: the case of an 8-year-old child presenting his inner world
Speaker: Silvia Ronconi (Italy)

11h00 | Subject: The good and the bad within ourselves
Speaker: Sônia Gomes (Brazil)

11h30 | The end


Thursday, 2023/15/6

08h30 | Subject: Rules that come too early: a clinical observation of aggression from a Chinese cultural perspective
Speaker: Jun Chen (China)

09h00 | Subject: Aggressiveness in the clinical context and the survival of the Winnicottian analyst
Speaker: Isabel Valli (Brazil)

09h30 | Subject: Conquering aggressiveness in personal growth: the potency of the Teams of Service from the Public Policy of Social Assistance (SUAS)
Speaker: Alessandra Ávila (Brazil)

10h00 | Coffee Break

10h15 | Subject: A turning point in Winnicottian theory on Aggression; from dualism to monism and from back to front
Speaker: Osnat Erel (Israel)

10h45 | Subject: The healthy depression in Winnicott
Speaker: Mariela Nobel (Brazil)

11h15 | The end of Pre-Congress



Friday, 2023/16/6

08h30 | Opening Ceremony: Roseana Garcia (President of IWA)
                                                  Zhao Chengzhi (Vice-president of IWA)
                                                  Rosário Belo (Vice-president of IWA)

09h00 | Subject: Roots of aggression
Speaker: Zeljko Loparic (Brazil)

09h35 | Subject: On destruction and survival in the use of an object: clinical implications
Speaker: Elsa O. Dias (Brazil)

10h10 | Coffee break

10h20 | Subject: Getting Hold of the Other or Drifting Away
Speaker: Veronika Garms (Italy)

10h55 | Subject: Aggression in the analytical process: destructiveness, objects and creative living
Speaker: Julieta M. Bareiro (Argentina)

11h30 | The end


Saturday, 2023/17/6

08h30 | Subject: Winnicott’s perspective: the understanding and exploration of psychoanalytic concept of aggression
Speaker: Tang Xiao (China)

09h05 | Subject: Destruction of the Mother: Psychoanalysis of an Adopted Child
Speaker: Zhang Yizhe (China)

09h40 | Coffee break

09h50 | Subject: Celebration of 10 years of IWA
Speakers: Zeljko Loparic, Elsa O. Dias, Roseana Garcia, Zhao Chengzhi, Laura Dethiville, Susanna Guida, Leticia Minhot, Ofra Eshel, Thanassis Hatzopoulos, Rosário Belo, Loris Notturni, Qin Wei

11h30 | Subject: The Winnicottian Review – Journal launch annoucement
Speaker: Eder Santos (IBPW/IWA/State University of Londrina) Editor in Chief

12h00 | The End



Sunday, 2023/18/6

08h30 | Subject: Vicissitudes of Maturational processes: first experience of aggression, environment and development of False-self
Speaker: Livia Tabanelli (Italy)

09h05 | Subject: “First of all: surviving”. A compass for the psychoanalyst on the journey of the therapeutic process
Speaker: Susanna Guida (Italy)

09h40 | Coffee Break

09h50 | Subject: Transgression, deliquency, and antisocial trend
Speaker: Leticia Minhot (Argentina)

10h25 | Subject: Aggressiveness and the ability not to use violence: some notes on Donald Winnicott and Ernst Cassirer
Speaker: Moisés Ferreira (Portugal)

11h00 | Subject: Winnicott’s clinical new approach to the whole subject of aggression
Speaker: Ofra Eshel (Israel)

11h35 | Closing Ceremony: Roseana Garcia (President of IWA)

11h45 | The end of Congress