
In February 2022, the Italian translation of Winnicott’s Theory of the Maturational Process, by Elsa Oliveira Dias, will be launched in Rome under the title, La Teoria dei Processi Maturativi di Winnicott: Una Lettura Unitaria dell’Opera Winnicotiana. The book is published by FrancoAngeli, a renowned Italian publishing house that has traditionally had a collection dedicated to psychoanalytic texts. The translation was carried out by Susanna Guida and Veronika Garms, founders of the Rome Winnicott Group, of the International Winnicott Association (IWA), and theirs to the intellectual legacy of Andreas Giannakoulas, who created Rome’s Istituto Winnicott in 1976. With this translation, Oliveira Dias’ book – first published in Brazil in 2003 by Imago, now in its 4th edition, and with editions in Spanish (2013), in English (2016) by Karnac Books, and in Mandarin (2020) – was definitely established as a veritable world classic in Winnicottian studies. The French translation has just been concluded and should be published in 2022.