Tel Aviv University School of Continuing Medical Education, Program of Psychotherapy

New Track: “Independent Psychoanalysis – Radical Breakthroughs”

Total duration: 3 and a half years
The Courses are semesterial
Workshops are concentrated in 2-3 days.
Two theoretical-clinical seminars.
Weekly clinical seminars (clinical supervision)

Introductory course:

1.  From extension to paradigm shift in clinical psychoanalysis – Radical breakthroughs (given by me)

Courses on Winnicott:

  1. Winnicott and the development of the self
  2. Clinical Winnicott and his theory of regression- Part I (these courses 2,3 are given by me)
  3. Winnicott’s posthumous clinical writing, “Fear of breakdown”, and his theory of regression- Part II
  4. Winnicott’s spiritual dimension
  5. Winnicott’s followers in British psychoanalysis
  6. Winnicott and Andre Green
  7. Winnicott and Ogden
  8. Winnicott and Eigen
  9. Winnicott and Kohut (This course is given by Yossi Tamir, whom you know from Sao Paulo)
  10. Winnicott’s contemporaries – Balint (The Basic Fault and Balint’s therapeutic regression) in London; Harold Searles in USA

Courses on Bion

  1. Bion’s theory of thinking and  the psychoanalytic treatment ( Bion’s epistemological odyssey)
  2. Bion’s seminars in Sao Paulo, 1975 (a workshop)
  3. From early Bion to late Bion’s radical Breakthrough
  4. Bion’s followers in Italy: Ferro and Civitarese – The analytic field (a workshop)

Courses on other breakthroughs

  1. Ferenczi and his tragic break with Freud
  2. The field of trauma in psychoanalysis
  3. J. Laplanche – New Foundations for Psychoanalysis
  4. Botella and BotellaThe work of Psychic Figurability
  5.  The Independent school of psychoanalysis – On analytic presence