Sino-Brazilian Minicourse in Winnicott’s Child Psychiatry | February 2020
Sino-Brazilian Minicourse in Winnicott’s Child Psychiatry | February 2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_tabs active_section=”1″][vc_tta_section title=”Sino-Brazilian Minicourse in Winnicott’s Child Psychiatry” tab_id=”id1″][vc_column_text]Y Kang Center, Beijing

Brazilian Institute of Winnicottian Psychoanalysis (IBPW)

International Winnicott Association (IWA)

Sino-Brazilian Minicourse in Winnicott’s Child Psychiatry

Period: February 2020


Backed by his theory of the personal maturational development – which also includes the theory of maturational pathology –, Donald W. Winnicott became an innovator in the field of psychotherapeutic child care. The general objective of this course is to present Winnicott’s child psychiatry, its foundations and fundamental concepts, as well as specific clinical procedures which have been developed by the author (like therapeutic consultations, “partagée” psychoanalysis and on demand therapy) in order to satisfy the different types of needs and pathologies of the children that came to him in search for help.

Outline of the program

Time schedule: This workshop will be 9-hour long, divided in three modules, each of them lasting 3 hours.

Alice McCaffrey Busnardo is a Clinical Psychologist, Winnicottian

Psychoanalyst, Professor at Winnicott Institute in São Paulo (Brazil) and at the

International Winnicottian Association. [/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Module 1″ tab_id=”1556133972531-79d23225-fbcb”][vc_column_text]Module 1: 02/15/2020 (20h-23h – Beijing time)

Winnicottian paediatrics and child psychiatry: therapeutic consultations, on demand therapy and “partagée” psychoanalysis

This module shall be dedicated to the study of 1) the foundation of Winnicott’s child psychiatry – that is, maturational theory and maturational pathology – and the reasons why it should be applied; 2) Winnicott’s procedures and his setting regarding children treatment; 3) therapeutic consultation as the primary procedure; 4) the concepts of on demand therapy and partagée psychoanalysis in Winnicott’s child psychiatry.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Module 2″ tab_id=”1556134002862-5866144c-6583″][vc_column_text]Module 2: 02/22/2020 (20h-23h – Beijing time)

Playing ability and the squiggle game: a Winnicottian clinical approach

Winnicott has widely explored the subject of playing in his writings and the theme is crucially relevant to his work. Under this topic, we will present the definition of this important concept in the author’s work, as well as its clinical applicability. At the same time, we will address the procedure known as squiggle game, a manner of establishing communication with the child, which has been present in a considerable part of Winnicott’s consultations. Brief clinical examples of this topic will be provided, regarding Winnicott’s work.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Module 3″ tab_id=”1560367595878-4300001c-8680″][vc_column_text]Module 3: 02/29/2020 (20h-23h – Beijing time)

Clinical illustration taken from one of the cases reported by Winnicott: Bob’s case

In this module, shall be thoroughly present how Winnicott conducted the treatment of a 6-year-old child through therapeutic consultations and squiggle game. The whole case will be explored: the preliminary contact with the child, the therapeutic-diagnostic interview and the process of history-taking, up to Winnicott’s final comments on the case.
