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Dimensions of Winnicott´s Revolutionary Program

INTERNATIONAL WINNICOTT ASSOCIATION (IWA) 2nd Paris Meeting of the International Research Group on Winnicott´s Paradigm (IRG-WP) Friday, June 2nd, 2017 Société de Psychanalyse Freudienne 23, rue Campagne-Première 75014 Paris Topic: Dimensions of...

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WINNICOTT’S PARADIGM, with Zeljko Loparic
WINNICOTT’S PARADIGM, with Zeljko Loparic

Study group on Winnicott’s Paradigm Founded in 1995 and active ever since, this group aims at studying with the help of basic texts the structure and the development of all main Winnicott’s contributions to psychoanalysis as well  to other areas...

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GRUPO DE ESTUDO: A Psicanálise de D.W. Winnicott
GRUPO DE ESTUDO: A Psicanálise de D.W. Winnicott

Grupo destinado ao aprofundamento das ideias do psicanalista inglês – estudará as contribuições “tardias” de Winnicott, apresentadas em seu livro, “O Brincar e a Realidade” COORDENAÇÃO Rodolfo FerrazPsicanalista. Membro e docente do Instituto...

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The Collected Works of D.W. Winnicott

            Donald Woods Winnicott (1896-1971) was one of Britain’s leading psychoanalysts and paediatricians. The author of some of the most radical propositions in psychoanalysis: transitional space, the...

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