The inauguration conference of the new post-graduate track Independent Psychoanalysis: Radical Breakthroughs

Tel Aviv University

Sackler Faculty of Medicine

School of Continuing Medical Education

Program of Psychotherapy

The inauguration conference of the new post-graduate track

 Independent Psychoanalysis: Radical Breakthroughs

 Winnicott and Bion: On the Shoulders of Giants

 “I am asking for a kind of revolution in our work. Let us re-examine what we do” (Winnicott, 1971).



23rd of September, 2016 

Lola Avner auditorium, Tel Aviv University

Schedule: 8:15-8:45  Registration


8:45-10:10  Greetings:  Boaz Shalgi, PhD. Head, Program of Psychotherapy

Thomas Ogden, MD. Independent psychoanalysts and radical breakthroughs


First session

Chair: Ofra Eshel, PsyD. Founder and head of the post-graduate track “Independent Psychoanalysis: Radical Breakthroughs”, Program of Psychotherapy, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University.

On revolutionary or paradigm change

 Presenter: Prof. Zeljko Loparic, PhD. President, International Winnicott Association (IWA); philosopher, full professor at the department of philosophy at UNICAMP, Sao Paulo, Brazil;** Advisory Board, “Independent Psychoanalysis: Radical Breakthroughs”.

Winnicott’s revolutionary program for psychoanalysis

 10:10-10:30  Coffee break 

10:30-11:45  Second session

Chair: Ilan Amir, MD. Psychiatrist and training psychoanalyst, Israel Psychoanalytic Society; Program of Psychotherapy, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University; Israel Winnicott Center; Chairman, L’chol Nefesh, psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Public Mental Health Services.  

Presenter: Prof. Zeljko Loparic in collaboration with Elsa Oliveira Dias, PhD. clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst, co-founder with professor Loparic of the Brazilian Institute of Winnicottian Psychoanalysis (IBPW), deputy-president, International Winnicott Association (IWA); her new book Winnicott’s Theory of the Maturational Processes was recently published by Karnac (2016).
Varieties of Winnicott´s clinic

11.45-12:00  Coffee break

12:00-13:10  Third session

Chair: Rina Lazar, PhD. Clinical Psychologist, former head, lecturer and supervisor, Program of Psychotherapy, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University; Board,

The International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP); Advisory Board, “Independent Psychoanalysis: Radical Breakthroughs”.

Presenter: Ofra Eshel, PsyD. clinical psychologist, training and supervising analyst and faculty member, Israel Psychoanalytic Society (IPA); founder and head, the post-graduate track “Independent Psychoanalysis: Radical Breakthroughs”, Program of Psychotherapy, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University; Advisory Board, International Winnicott Association (IWA).

Winnicott-Bion-Eigen: The last scream that vanished

 13:10-13:40  Break

13:40-15:30  Fourth Session

Chair: Na’ama Keinan, clinical psychologist, training and supervising analyst, Israel Psychoanalytic Society (IPA); the post-graduate tracks “Independent Psychoanalysis: Radical Breakthroughs” and “Primitive Mental States”, Program of Psychotherapy, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University.

Presenter: Eti Landau-Frechter, training and supervising analyst and faculty member, Israel Psychoanalytic Society (IPA); the post-graduate track “Independent Psychoanalysis: Radical Breakthroughs”, Program of Psychotherapy, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University.

Maria – Case Illustration

Presenter: Michael Eigen, PhD. Psychologist and psychoanalyst; Associate clinical professor of psychology, Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, New York University; senior member,National Psychological Association for psychoanalysis;  author of 27 books.

So Many Ways to be Alive and Come Alive

(video-presentation based on Eti Landau’s case presentation).

 Discussion with the audience.

The guests’ presentations in English, the Israelis presentations in Hebrew.

Zeljko Loparic

Zeljko Loparic has a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Louvain (1982), and a post-doc from the University of Konstanz. He is full professor at the Department of Philosophy at UNICAMP. He was director of the center for Logic, Epistemology and History of science (CLE) of the same University (1983-1985), and founder and first president (1989-94) of the Brazilian Kant Society. In 1999, he founded a journal for philosophy and psychoanalysis Natureza Humana. In 2004-2008 he presided over the Brazilian Society for Phenomenology. In collaboration with Elsa Oliveira Dias, he founded the Brazilian Winnicott Society (2005), which offers a professional training on Winnicottian psychoanalysis. He authored Heidegger Defendant (1990); Ethics and Finitude (1995, 2nd ed. 2004); Heuristic Descartes (1997); Kant’s Transcendental Semantics (2000, 3rd ed. 2005); On Responsibility (2003), and Heidegger (2004), as well as numerous papers published in national and international journals on the general philosophy of science (Mach, Carnap, Kuhn), history of philosophy and history of psychoanalysis ( Freud, Klein, Lacan, Winnicott). He is the founder and president of the International Winnicott Association (IWA).

click below to download the program
