The Winnicott Society – the Brazilian Society of Winnicottian Psychoanalysis (SBPW) – was founded in 2006 by Elsa Oliveira Dias e Z. Loparic to foster research, teaching and publications in the field of Winnicott studies. The Society also aims to promote collaboration and exchange with academic and psychoanalytic institutions from Brazil and abroad.
Research and teaching activities are carried out in line with the Dias-Loparic interpretation of Winnicott´s contribution as a major paradigm shift in areas of non-physical health care.
The editorial branch of the SBPW is DWWeditorial, created in 2007, which publishes books, as well as the Natureza Humana journal.
Since 2013, the SBPW hosts the head office of the IWA.
Presidents/Founders: Elsa Oliveira Dias and Z. Loparic
Coordinator: Roseana Moraes Garcia
Scientific Board: Alice MacCaffrey Busnardo, Conceição Serralha, Danit Pondé, Gabriela Galván, Vera Laurentiis.