Portuguese Association of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Study group on Winnicott’s thought 

Lisbon, Portugal

*Lectures in portuguese

More information:


+351 211 945357


Maria do Rosário Belo

with online broadcasting


The course results from the collaboration between the Instituto Brasileiro de Psicanálise Winnicottiana (IBPW) [Brazilian Institute of Winnicottian Psychoanalysis], the International Winnicott Association (IWA) and the Associação Portuguesa de Psicanálise e Psicoterapia Psicanalíca (AP) [Portuguese Association of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy].

29 September 2016 – Inaugural Lecture – António Coimbra de Matos

13 October 2016 – The Theory of Maturational Processes – Elsa Oliveira Dias

10 November 2016 – Winnicott in the History of Psychoanalysis – Zeljko Loparic

15 December 2016 – Interfaces of Winnicott’s Psychoanalysis – Rodolfo Ferraz

12 January 2017 – The Environment in Winnicott’s Theory – Conceição Serralha   Araújo

9 February 2017 – Agression in Winnicott’s Theory – Roseana Moraes Garcia

9 March 2017 – The Father in the Theory of Maturational Processes – Claudia Dias Rosa

13 April 2017 – The Body in Winnicott’s Theory – Vera Ferraz de Laurentiis

11 May 2017 – Depression in Winnicott’s Theory – Ariadne Alvarenga Rezende Engelberg de Moraes

8 July 2017 – whole day plenary and class meeting (Saturday) – Maria do Rosário Belo
During this session there will be presentation and discussion of cases on the basis of the material learnt throughout the year (lectures and additional readings) and, subsequently, there will be evaluation of the year work and reflection on next year’s program.

Telephone:+351 211 945 357