
The Israel Winnicott Center – IWC

A space for the study of Winnicottian and Independent thought in psychoanalysis
Steering Commitee: Prof. Emanuel Berman, Hayuta Gurevich, Sara Kolker, Michal Rieck, Dr. Meir Steinbock

Directors: Michal Rieck and Dr. Meir Steinbock

2015-2016 Curriculum

Year 1
Ferenczi and Winnicott – The Roots of Psychoanalytic Thinking on Trauma and Dissociation – Hayuta Gurevich
Winnicott’s Kleinian Roots and his Early Papers – Judith Triest
Winnicott’s Contemporaries I – Searles and Rosenfeld on the Difficult Patient –  Dr. Ilan Amir
Reading Winnicott’s Writings I – “The Person who is Me” –Michal Rieck

Year 2
Why this Regresssion Now – Dr. Meir Steinbock
Reading Winnicott’s Writings II, III – “On the Broken Psyche” (Yearly course) – Sara Kolker
Areas of Overlap between Winnicottian and Kohutian Thought – Yossi Tamir

Year 3
Winnicott as a Source of Inspiration for Relational and Intersubjective Thought Prof. Emanuel Berman
Interpretation and Non-Interpretation – Thoughts on Psychoanalytic Technique After Winnicott and his Followers Michal Rieck
Winnicottian influence on Ogden’s Writings Ruth Segel
Winnicott and Eigen Dr. Meir Steinbock

 ‘Road Map’: Basic three-year diploma course in psychoanalytic psychotherapy

Steering Commitee: Prof. Emanuel Berman, Hayuta Gurevich, Sara Kolker, Michal Rieck, Dr. Meir Steinbock
Program Directors: Rachel Benita, Dr. Ilan Bernat, Orna Liron-Bornfeld, Smadar Steinbock
Program Coordinator: Dr. Meir Steinbock

General outline
This course caters for trainee and newly qualified clinical psychologists (minimum one year training completed), for clinical social workers with at least three years clinical experience, for trainee and qualified psychiatrists (minimum one year training completed), and in special cases educational, medical, rehabilitation psychologists or clinical criminologists can also apply, according to specific criteria. All candidates are expected to have been in personal psychodynamically oriented psychotherapy for at least one year at date of application.

As its name implies, this course aims to provide students with a broad-based up to date picture of psychoanalytic thought in the 21st century, within which students can discover their own unique path for professional development. Emphasis is placed on learning slowly and thoroughly, to broaden and deepen clinical therapeutic understanding in general and the therapist’s ability to work with difficult patients in particular, in keeping with the Winnicottian and Independent approach.

The course is of three years duration, and is comprised of theoretical seminars, clinical seminars (group supervision), theoretical workshops and individual supervision. In addition, each student is expected to complete a final paper, based on a case study of a long term psychodynamic therapy.

Time and place of studies
Wednesdays 16:00-21:00 (Usually two theoretical seminars and one clinical seminar, each one and a half hour long)
Tichonet High School, 3, Shoshana Persits St, Tel Aviv

2015-2016 Curriculum

Year 1
The Roots of Psychoanalytic Treatment in the Dialogue between Freud and Ferenczi – Prof. Emanuel Berman
Melanie Klein and the post-Kleinians – Theoretical Aspects – Michal Zelinger
Melanie Klein and the post-Kleinians – Foundations of therapeutic technique – Ruth Weinberg

Year 2
Bion – Innovator in psychoanalytic thinking – Dr. Ilan Bernat
Introduction to Winnicottian Thought – David Kitron
Winnicott – Theoretical and Technical Foundations – Dr. Meir Steinbock
Psychopathology in the Consulting Room: From Theory to Practice (II) – Dr. Efrat Shadach

Year 3
Winnicott’s Followers – Central figures in the British Independent School – Idit Barak Melamed
The Self in Psychoanalysis – Smadar Steinbock
Theory and Foundations of the Therapeutic Technique of the Relational approach – Dr. Shlomo Beinhart
A Meeting of Minds – Therapists From Different Therapeutic Approaches Discuss the Treatment of the Difficult Patient Coodinator – Michal Rieck

Three and a half year diploma course in psychoanalytic psychotherapy for creative and expressive arts therapists

Steering Commitee: Prof. Emanuel Berman, Hayuta Gurevich, Sara Kolker, Michal Rieck, Dr. Meir Steinbock
Program Directors: Irit Erev, Gitit Burztyn
Program Coordinator:
 Michal Rieck

General outline
This program caters for expressive arts therapists (visual art, movement and music therapists, drama-therapists and bibliotherapists) who hold a Masters degree and have at least three years’ clinical experience (including long term therapies) with supervision, including at least two years experience in a mental health treatment framework. All candidates are expected to have been in personal psychodynamically oriented psychotherapy for at least one year at date of application.

This program aims to provide students with a broad knowledge base in the development of psychoanalytic theory and technique, with an emphasis on Winnicott and the Independent school. The course takes into account that the creative and expressive arts therapies are a special form of psychotherapy and aims to create a lively and fertile exchange between the different therapeutic approaches.

The program is three and a half years in duration and comprises theoretical seminars, clinical seminars (group supervision) led by two supervisors – one a psychoanalyst and the other a creative arts therapist, workshops and individual supervision. In addition, each student is expected to complete a final paper, based on a case study of a long term psychodynamic therapy.

Time and place of studies
Mondays 16:00-21:00 (Usually two theoretical seminars and one clinical seminar, each one and a half hour long)
Tichonet High School, 3, Shoshana Persits St, Tel Aviv

2015-2016 Curriculum

Year 1
“Genesis” – Formative Approaches in the Development of Psychoanalytic Thinking on Treatment – Freud and Klein Dr. Mariana Gaitini
Transference and Countertransference – Central Aspects in the Development of Psychoanalytic Technique – Rotem Bruno
The Development of Psychoanalytic Thinking from Object Relations Theory to the Independent Tradition – Irit Erev
Introduction to Winnicottian Thought – Theoretical and Clinical Aspects – David Kitron

Year 2
Winnicott – Development and Fragility, Theory and Technique – Galia Avishur-Mizrahi
Primitive Mental States – Irit HaMeiri Valdarsky
Psychopathology in the Context of Development, the Space Between Merger and Separation – Anat Schumann
From Ferenczi to Winnicott – Cry stallization of Thought on Regressionin Psychoanalytic Theory – Amnon Eyal

Year 3
The Language of the Body in Psychotherapy – Yael Harel
Trauma – Coping with Memories Absent of Words, Time and Subject – Dr. Daniel Levi
Bridge over Troubled Waters – Thoughts on holding and Being Present in Areas of Breakdown and Turmoil – Michal Tepper
The Empathic Matrix: Self-selfobject in the Establishment of the Self – Ilana Goldin Peer

Year 4
From Interpretation to Holding – Theory, technique and ethics of the therapeutic act – Amnon Eyal
The Foundations of Psychodynamic Child Psychotherapy – Nini Chamitzer Loboshitz
Psychodynamic Therapeutic Work with Parents – Noa Eyal
A psychodynamic Approach to Psychopathology – Dr. Efrat Shadach

 Continuing Education Programs for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Graduates

Steering Commitee: Prof. Emanuel Berman, Hayuta Gurevich, Sara Kolker, Michal Rieck, Dr. Meir Steinbock
Program Directors: Michal Rieck and Dr. Meir Steinbock

General Outline
As a response to requests from graduate students, this program was created with the intention of providing a professional home and a forum for ongoing learning and professional development for our graduates. Our aim is to enable students to broaden and deepen their clinical and theoretical understanding in areas previously studied in the three year advanced psychoanalytic psychotherapy program.

2015-2016 Curriculum

“Sha’atnez”: A Platform for multi-disciplinary thinking

 Coordinator: Hagit Aharoni

“Sha’atnez”, a garment fabricated from both wool and linen, is strictly prohibited according to the Torah, as one of the “kil’ayim” (cross-breeding and cross-production) prohibitions. Such taboos often conceal beneath them great temptation, and the greater the allure, the harsher the prohibition. The prohibition of the Sha’atnez can thus be seen as a response to a powerful allure – the allure of “kil’ayim” cross-breeding – hybrids, the mixing of domains, violation of boundaries, the abandonment of the illusion of pure forms.

The Winnicott Center offers a forum for interdisciplinary thinking, where psychoanalysis meets other domains such as literature, cinema, music, gender, body, aesthetics, and phenomenology. This course is comprised of a series of mini-courses of different “fabrics”, each set of two or three lectures concentrating on a particular discipline from the arts or philosophy.

* “Combined Narratives”  Hagit Aharoni
In this series of meetings a multi-faceted view of literature and psychoanalysis will be presented. We will journey between these two richly interrelated disciplines, reading from a variety of literary texts, with special emphasis on particular concepts from literary theory and from psychoanalytic theory and practice.

* Resistance in Psychoanalysis and in Modern Art – Melancholia, from Pathologising to Action – Dr. Effi Ziv and Dr. Hanna Freund – Shertok
These meetings will explore, through the prism of the concept of resistance, the complexity of the relationships between the discourses on psychoanalysis and on contemporary art. Within this framework, the perception of melancholia as a possible manifestation of conscious and unconscious resistance will be examined.

* Between Ontology and the Transitional Spac Dr. Joel Pearl
In this series of meetings we will introduce the basics of Edmund Husserl’s and Martin Heidegger’s thinking and discuss the conceptual framework phenomenology offers to understand the human experience.

* “Space” – a Meeting of Different Theoretical Perspectives  Dr. Tami Polak
In the three meetings available to us we will consider the concept of “space” as a central psychoanalytic construct describing the human experience. We will focus on object relations theory, which describes the “subject-world” relationship, the “I-other” relationship and the “body-psyche” relationship, as expressed in the array of essentially developmental “psychic representations”. Additional clinically relevant theoretical models from the spheres of philosophy and art will also be presented, providing us with a variety of perspectives on the concept of space.

* Psychoanalysis and Opera – Dr. Moshe Bergstein
In these meetings the possibility of a mutually enriching dialogue between opera and psychoanalysis will be explored. We will discuss the rationale of using opera to gain psychoanalytic insights, insights whose uniqueness stems directly from the very essence of music as a fundamentally non-verbal, “archaic” medium.

These seminars take place on Wednesdays 17:00 – 20:30
at “Tichonet”, Shoshana Persits 3, Tel Aviv.

Registration for mini-series of lectures possible.

 “Changing vertices” – Bion and Winnicott (two year course)

Coordinator: Avner Bergstein

The fact, Bion writes, that different disciplines, at different times and from different vertices, describe the same experience, gives this experience greater validity and enables a ‘multi-ocular’ view of truth. And this encounter between the different disciplines is an emotional experience in itself, an emotional experience of discovering coherence, a place from which different facets of the emotional experience can be ‘observed’ from different vertices, integrated in a way that feels truthful, affording a sense of truth.

Winnicott writes of the fear of breakdown and the pull towards it, and Bion writes of catastrophic change and the fear of it. Both meet in the realm of the unrepressed unconscious. Both Winnicott and Bion echo Freud who maintained that our psychoanalytic investigations have directed our interest too exclusively to the repressed. Both focus on the dread of encountering emotional truth encapsulated in the unmentalized, unrepressed unconscious, threatening the mind with a psychotic state. Yet both contend that this encounter, facilitating the integration of remote and unmentalized parts of the self, can save the personality from mental catastrophe, or alternatively from psychic death as a defense against it

The first year (2015-2016) will be devoted to deepening our understanding of Bion’s thinking and the psychoanalytic state of mind he proposes. We will discuss ideas relating to the suspension of memory, desire and understanding, the encounter with emotional truth that is beyond language, and concepts such as container-contained, linking and attacks on linking, learning from experience and so on.

In the second year (2016-2017) we will continue reading Bion and in addition we will delve into Winnicott’s writings, with an emphasis on the affinity between these two radical thinkers. Two lecturers will participate simultaneously in these seminars to enable a dialogue between Bion’s thinking and that of Winnicott’s.

Bion – Avner Bergstein
Winnicott  (Second year and following years) – Hagit Aharoni, Hamutal Raz-Shiloah, Michal Rieck, Dr. Meir Steinbock

* The course is being held every two weeks on Mondays 17:00 to 20:30
at “Tichonet”, Shoshana Persits 3, Tel Aviv

 Winnicott Morning

Coordinators: Michal Rieck and Dr. Meir Steinbock
A series of eight monthly meetings, specifically for Winnicott Center graduates.

Outline of meetings:

Dr. Meir Steinbock – Playing and Reality (2 meetings)
Ch 4: Playing, Creative Activity and the Search for the Self
Ch 10: Interrelating apart from Instinctual Drive and in Terms of Cross-identifications

Hayuta Gurevich – “Alien Transplants” (2 meetings)
Ferenczi S. 7th April 1932: The fate of children of mentally ill parents. Clinical Diary.1988 Ed J Dupont
Winnicott: Mother’s madness appearing in the clinical material as an ego alien factor. In Psychoanalytic Explorations, pp 375-382
Williams P. (2004) Incorporation of an invasive object Int J Psycho-Anal 85: 1333-1348
Williams P. (2010) The Fifth Principle, 2010 Karnac. Excerpts from William’s autobiography

Michal Rieck – Psychosomatic disorder as a “psychotic island in the body” (2 meetings)
Winnicott, DWW Psycho-Somatic Disorder. In Psychoanalytic Explorations pp 103-118
Coltart N. Slouching Towards Bethlehem. In The British School of Psychoanalysis pp197-199

Sara Kolker – Aliveness, non-aliveness and being alive (2 meetings)
Winnicott, DWW (1968) Sum, I Am: in Home is Where we Start From pp 55-64

* The meetings take place at “Beit Hashachmat”, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv
on the last Monday of every month, between 10:30-13:00.