
The Brazilian Institute of Winnicottian Psychoanalysis (IBPW), founded on May 16, 2015, is a private, non-profit, philanthropic association with financial and managerial autonomy.
The IBPW’s purposes are theoretical and clinical education, basic research, and publications related to the Winnicott´s psychoanalysis and other types of his clinical practice. The Institute also advises institutions, trains agents and promotes activities in various areas of healthcare, social service and education grounded on Winnicott´s projects. Its overall aim is to disseminate Winnicott’s ideas and apply them to social and cultural life, and to create new institutions that pursue these same goals.
As of 2016, IBPW took charge of the Winnicottian Training Course in an agreement with the Brazilian Society of Winnicottian Psychoanalysis (SBPW). The Institute also manages the Psychoanalytic Assistance Service (SAP) that serves the general public.
The Institute is managed by an Executive Board and organized in departments overseen by councils.
