Bibliografia de Knud Hjulmand

Knud Hjulmand
Departamento de Psicologia da Universidade de Copenhagen

Esta lista, que inclui a totalidade dos trabalhos publicados por Donald W. Winnicott, foi compilada especialmente para este número de Natureza Humana pelo Prof. Dr. Knud Hjulmand, do Departamento de Psicologia da Universidade de Copenhagen. A inclusão dos dados bibliográficos relativos às edições brasileiras, bem como a correspondência com a bibliografia estabelecida por Harry Karnac, foi feita por Maria de Fátima Dias.
Cada trabalho publicado está indicado pelo ano de sua primeira publicação, seguido, quando especificação adicional se faz necessária, de uma ou mais letras (p. ex., 1988, 1971a, 1965vd), respeitando-se a seguinte ordem dentro de um mesmo ano: 1) livros ou coletâneas, 2) artigos originais, 3) outros trabalhos (revistas, prefácios, cartas, etc.). Todas as publicações subseqüentes de um mesmo texto estão igualmente indicadas.
Há apenas um código (ano e letra) para cada título. Não estão incluídas cartas isoladas, reunidas postumamente na coleção de cartas de Winnicott (1987b), a não ser as que foram publicadas anteriormente.
Preservamos o padrão de apresentação de dados bibliográficos seguido pelo prof. Hjulmand.
Os artigos e livros de Winnicott publicados em português estão identificados por um asterisco (*). As diferentes traduções para o português de alguns textos não foram indicadas separadamente. Para indicar os livros traduzidos utilizaremos as siglas estabelecidas por Harry Karnac (ver Winnicott 1996a), conforme indicado na lista abaixo. O quadro completo de correspondência entre a numeração de Karnac e o padrão de citação de Hjulmand encontra-se no final desta bibliografia.
W6 Textos selecionados — Da pediatria à psicanálise
W7 A criança e seu mundo
W8 A família e o desenvolvimento individual
W9 O ambiente e os processos de maturação
W10 O brincar e a realidade
W11 Consultas terapêuticas em psiquiatria infantil
W12 The Piggle – Relato do tratamento psicanalítico de uma menina
W13 Privação e delinqüência
W14 Tudo começa em casa
W15 Holding e interpretação
W16 Os bebês e suas mães
W17 O gesto espontâneo
W18 Natureza humana
W19 Explorações psicanalíticas
W20 Conversando com os pais
W21 Pensando sobre crianças

1920a A shropshire surgeon. St. Bartholomew’s Hosp. J., 1920, 27.
1920b St. Bartholomew’s Hospital amateur dramatic club. St. Bartholomew’s Hosp. J., 1920, 27.
1921a A reminder to the binder. St. Bartholomew’s Hosp. J., 1920, 28.
1921b The snag. St. Bartholomew’s Hosp. J., 1920, 28.
1926 & Gibbs, Nancy Varicella encephalitis and vaccinia encephalitis. Brit. J. Children’s Dis., 1926, 23.
1928 The only child. In V. Erleigh (ed): The Mind of the Growing Child. London: Faber 1928.
1930a Pathological sleeping (case history). Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 1930, 23.
*1930b Short communication on enuresis. St. Bartholomew’s Hosp. J., april 1930. In 1996a(170-175).
W21 – “Breve comunicação sobre a enurese”
1931a Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood. London: Heinemann 1931.
1931b Active heart disease. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (69-75).
1931c Anxiety. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (122-128).
1931d Arthritis associated with emotional disturbance. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (81-86).
1931e Convulsions, fits. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (157-171).
1931f Disease of the nervous system. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (129-142).
1931g Fidgetiness. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (87-97). In 1958a (22-30).
1931h Growing pains. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (76-80).
1931i Haemoptysis: Case for diagnosis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 1931, 24.
1931j The heart, with special reference to rheumatic carditis. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (42-57).
1931k History-taking. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (7-21).
1931l Masturbation. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (183-190).
1931m Mental defect. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (152-156).
1931n Micturition disturbances. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (172-182).
1931o The nose and throat. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (38-41).
*1931p A note on normality and anxiety. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (98-121). In 1958a (3-21).
W6 – “Notas sobre normalidade e ansiedade”
1931q A note on temperature and the importance of charts. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (32-37).
1931r Pre-systolic murmur, possibly not due to mitral stenosis (case history). Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 1931, 24.
1931s Physical examination. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (22-31).
1931t The rheumatic clinic. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (64-68).
1931u Rheumatic fever. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (58-63).
1931v Speech disorders. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (191-200).
1931w Walking. In Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood (1931a). London: Heinemann 1931 (143-151).
1933 Book abstract. Alexander, Franz: “Psychoanalysis and medicine” [in The Harvey Lectures, 1930-31, Baltimore 1931]. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1933, 14.
1934a A contribution to the problem of psycho-physical relations with special reference to dermatology. Int. Zeitschr. Psychoanal., 1934, 20.
1934b The difficult child. J. State Medicine, 1934, 42.
*1934c Papular urticaria and the dynamics of skin sensation. Brit. J. Children’s Dis., 1934, 31. In 1996a (157-169).
W21 – “Urticária papular e dinâmica da sensação cutânea”
1934d Book Abstract. Lundholm, H.: “Repression and rationa- lization” [in Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 1933, 13] . Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1934, 15.
1936a Enuresis. Brit. Med. J., 2. may 1936.
* 1936b Contribution to a discussion on enuresis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 1936, 29.
W21 – “Contribuição para uma discussão sobre a enu- rese”
1937a Book review. Aichhorn, August: Wayward Youth. London: Putnam 1936. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 1937, 16.
1937b Book review. Rickman, John (ed): On the Bringing Up of Children. London: Kegan Paul 1936. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 1937, 16.
*1938a Notes on a little boy. New Era in Home and School, 1938, 19. In 1996a (102-103).
W21 – “Notas sobre um garotinho”
* 1938b Shyness and nervous disorders in children. New Era in Home and School, 1938, 19. In 1957b (35-39), 1964a (211-215).
W7 – “Timidez e perturbações nervosas nas crianças”
1938c Skin changes in relation to emotional disorder. St John’s Hosp. Derm. Soc. Report, 1938.
*1938d Book review. Kanner, Leo: Child Psychiatry. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas 1935, London: Ballière, Tindall & Cox 1936. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1938, 19. In 1996a (191-193, part of “Three reviews of books on Autism”).
W21 – “Três revisões de livros sobre autismo”
1939a The psychology of juvenile rheumatism. In R. G. Gordon (ed): A Survey of Child Psychiatry. London: Oxford Univ. Press 1939.
1939b & Bowlby, John & Miller, Emanuel: Letter to the British Medical Journal, 16.12.1939. In 1984a (13-14, part of “Evacuation of small children”).
*1940a Children and their mothers. New Era in Home and School, 1940, 21. In 1984a (14-21, part of “Evacuation of small children”).
W13 – “Evacuação de crianças pequenas [crianças e suas mães]”
*1940b [1939] Children in the war. New Era in Home and School, 1940, 21. In 1957b (69-74), 1984a (25-30).
W13 – “Crianças na guerra”
*1940c [1939] The deprived mother. New Era in Home and School, 1940, 21. In 1957b (75-82), 1984a (31-38).
W13 – “A mãe separada do filho”
*1941a On influencing and being influenced. New Era in Home and School, 1941, 22. In 1957b (35-39), 1964a (199-204).
W7 – “Sobre influenciar e ser influenciado”
*1941b The observation of infants in a set situation. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1941, 22. In 1958a (52-69).
W6 – “A observação de bebês em uma situação estabelecida”
1941c Book review. Flügel, J.C.: The Moral Paradox of Peace and War. London: Watts 1941. New Era in Home and School, 1941, 22.
*1941d Book review. Isaacs, Susan et al. (ed): The Cambridge Evacuation Survey: a War time Study in Social Welfare and Education. London: Methuen 1941. New Era in Home and School, 1941, 22. In 1984a (22-24).
W13 – “Resenha sobre The Cambridge Evacuation Survey”
*1942a Child department consultations. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1942, 23. In 1958a (70-84).
W6 – “Consultas do departamento infantil”
*1942b Why children play. New Era in Home and School, 1942, 23. In 1957b (149-152), 1964a (143-146).
W7 – “Porque as crianças brincam”
1942c Book Review. Middlemore, Merell P.: The Nursing Couple. London: Hamish Hamilton 1941. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1942, 23.
1943a Delinquency research. New Era in Home and School, 1943, 24.
*1943b Shock treatment of mental disorder. Letter to the editor, British Medical Journal, 25.12.1943. In 1989a (522-523, part of “Physical therapy of mental disorder: Convulsion therapy”).
W19 – “Sobre outras formas de tratamento – Terapia física do transtorno mental [II O tratamento de choque do transtorno mental]”
*1943c Prefrontal leucotomy. Letter to the editor, The Lancet, 10.04.1943. In 1989a (542-543, part of “Physical therapy of mental disorder: Leucotomy”).
W19 – “Sobre outras formas de tratamento – Terapia física do transtorno mental [I – leucotomia pré-frontal]”
* 1943d The magistrate, the psychiatrist and the clinic (correspondance with R. North). New Era in Home and School, 1943, 24.
W13 – “Correspondência com um magistrado”
*1944a Ocular psychoneuroses of childhood. Trans. Ophthalmological Soc., 1941, 64: “General discussion”. In 1958a (85-90).
W6 – “Psiconeuroses oculares da infância”
*1944b Shock therapy. Letter to the editor, British Medical Journal, 12.02.1944. In 1989a (523-525, part of “Physical therapy of mental disorder: Convulsion therapy”).
W19 – “Sobre outras formas de tratamento – Terapia física do transtorno mental: Terapia de convulsão [II – Tratamento de choque do transtorno mental]”
*1944c Correspondance with a magistrate (letter to Roger Nor- th). New Era in Home and School, 1944, 25. In 1984a (164-167).
W13 – “Correspondência com um magistrado”
1944d & Britton, Clare: The problem of homeless children. New Education Fellowship Monograph, No.1,1944 & New Era in Home and School, 1944, 25. (In 1957b (98-116, incorporated in “Residential management as treatment for difficult children”)). (In 1984a (54-72, incorporated in “Residential management as treatment for difficult children”)).
*1945a Getting to Know Your Baby(Broadcast Talks). London: Heinemann (for The New Era in Home and School) 1945.
W7 – “Conheça o seu filhinho”
* 1945b [1944] Getting to know your baby. New Era in Home and School, 1945, 26. In 1945a (1-5), 1957a (7-12), 1964a (19-24).
W7 – “Conheça o seu filhinho”
*1945c [1944] Infant feeding. New Era in Home and School, 1945, 26. In 1945a (12-16), 1957a (18-22), 1964a (30-34).
W7 – “Alimentação do bebê”
*1945d Primitive emotional development. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1945, 26. In 1958a (145-156).
W6 – “Desenvolvimento emocional primitivo”
*1945e [1944] Support for normal parents. New Era in Home and School, 1945, 26: “Postscript”. In 1945a (25-27), 1957a (137-140), 1964a (173-176).
W7 – “Apoio aos pais normais”
*1945f [1944] Their standards and yours. New Era in Home and School, 1945, 26. In 1945a (21-24), 1957a (87-91), 1964a (119-123).
W7 – “Os padrões deles e os seus”
*1945g Thinking and the unconscious. Liberal Magazine, march 1945. In 1986b (169-171).
W14 – “O pensar e o inconsciente”
*1945h Towards an objective study of human nature. New Era in Home and School, 1945, 26: “Talking about psychology”. In 1957b (125-133), 1996a (3-12)
W21 – “Para um estudo objetivo da natureza humana”
*1945i [1944] What about father? New Era in Home and School, 1945, 26. In 1945a (16-21), 1957a (81-86), 1964a (113-118).
W7 – “E o pai?”
*1945j [1944] Why do babies cry? New Era in Home and School, 1945, 26. In 1945a (5-12), 1957a (43-52), 1964a (58-68).
W7 – “Por que choram os bebês?”
*1945k Letter to the editor, British Medical Journal, 22.12.1945. In 1987b (Letter 4, 6-7).
W17 – “Carta 4 – Ao editor”
*1946a Educational diagnosis. National Froebel Foundation Bulletin, 41. In 1957b (29-34), 1964a (205-210).
W7 – “Diagnóstico educacional”
*1946b Some psychological aspects of juvenile delinquency. New Era in Home and School, 1946, 27. Delinquency Research, 1946, 24. In 1957b (181-187), 1964a (227-231: “Aspects of juvenile delinquency”), 1984a (113-119).
W13 – “Alguns aspectos psicológicos da delinqüência juvenil”
*1946c What do we mean by a normal child? New Era in Home and School, 1946, 27. In1957a (100-106), 1964a (124- 130).
W7 – “Que entendemos por uma criança normal?”
*1946d Letter to the editor, The Times, 06.11.1946. In 1987b (Letter 6, 9).
W17 – “Carta 6 – Ao editor”
*1947a The child and sex. The Practitioner, 1947, 158. In 1957b (153-166), 1964a (147-160).
W7 – “A criança e o sexo”
*1947b Further thoughts on babies as persons. New Era in Home and School, 1947, 28: “Babies are persons”. In 1957b (134-140), 1964a (85-92)
W7 – “Mais idéias sobre o bebê como pessoa”
*1947c Physical therapy of mental disorder. Leading article, Bri- tish Medical Journal, 17.05.1947. In 1989a (534-541, part of “Physical therapy of mental disorder: Convulsion the- rapy”).
W19 – “Sobre outras formas de tratamento – Terapia física do transtorno mental: terapia de convulsão [VI – terapia física do transtorno mental]”
1947d Letter to British Medical Journal, 13.12.1947.
* 1947e & Britton, Clare Residential management as treatment for difficult children. Human Relations, 1947, 1: “Residential management as treatment for difficult children: The evolution of a wartime hostels scheme”. In 1957b (98-116, partly combined with 1944d), 1984a (54-72, partly combined with 1944d).
W13 – “Tratamento em regime residencial para crianças difíceis”
*1948a Children’s hostels in war and peace. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 1948, 21. In 1957b (117-121), 1984a (73-77).
W13 – “Alojamentos para crianças em tempo de guerra e em tempo de paz”
*1948b Paediatrics and psychiatry. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 1948, 21. In 1958a (157-173).
W6 – “Pediatria e psiquiatria”
*1948c Obituary: Isaacs, Susan. Nature, 1948, 163. In 1989a (385-387).
W19 – “Susan Isaacs – Obituário”
1949a The Ordinary Devoted Mother and her Baby (Nine Broadcast Talks). London: C. rock & Co. 1949.
*1949b The baby as a going concern. In The Ordinary Devoted Mother and her Baby (1949a). London: C.A.Brock & Co. 1949 (7-11). In 1957a 13-17, 1964a (25-29).
W7 – “O bebê como organização em marcha”
*1949c The baby as a person. In The Ordinary Devoted Mother and her Baby (1949a). London: C. A. Brock & Co. 1949 (22-26). In 1957a (33-37), 1964a (75-79).
W7 – “O bebê como pessoa”
*1949d Close-up of mother feeding baby. In The Ordinary Devoted Mother and her Baby (1949a). London: C. A. Brock & Co. 1949 (27-31). In 1957a (38-42), 1964a (45-49).
W7 – “Pormenores da alimentação do bebê pela mãe”
*1949e The end of the digestive process. In The Ordinary Devoted Mother and her Baby (1949a). London: C. A. Brock & Co. 1949 (17-21). In 1957a (28-32), 1964a (40-44).
W7 – “O fim do processo digestivo”
*1949f [1947] Hate in the countertransference. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1949, 30. In 1958a (194-203).
W6 – “O ódio na contratransferência”
*1949g The innate morality of the baby. In The Ordinary Devoted Mother and her Baby (1949a). London: C. A. Brock & Co. 1949 (38-42). In 1957a (59-63), 1964a (93-97).
W7 – “A moralidade inata do bebê”
*1949h Leucotomy. Brit. Med. Student’s J., 1949, 3. In 1989a (543-547, part of “Physical therapy of mental disorder: Leucotomy”).
W19 – “Sobre outras formas de tratamento – Terapia física do transtorno mental – [I – Leucotomia]”
1949i The ordinary devoted mother and her baby. In The Ordinary Devoted Mother and her Baby (1949a). London: C. A. Brock & Co. 1949 (3-6: Introduction”).
*1949j Sex education in schools. Medical Press, 1949, 222. In 1957b (40-44), 1964a(216-220).
W7 – “Educação sexual nas escolas”
*1949k Weaning. In The Ordinary Devoted Mother and her Baby (1949a). London: C. A. Brock & Co. 1949 (43-47). In 1957a (64-68), 1964a (80-84).
W7 – “O desmame”
*1949l Where the food goes. In The Ordinary Devoted Mother and her Baby (1949a) London: C. A. Brock & Co. 1949 (12-16). In 1957a (23-27), 1964a (35-39).
W7 – “Para onde vai o alimento”
*1949m The world in small doses. In The Ordinary Devoted Mother and her Baby (1949a). London: C. A. Brock & Co. 1949 (32-37). In 1957a (53-58, 1964a (69-74).
W7 – “O mundo em pequenas doses”
*1949n Young children and other people. Young Children, 1949, 1. In 1957a (92-99), 1964a (103-110).
W7 – “A criança e as outras pessoas”
*1949o Book review. Hill, Adrian: Art versus Illness. London: George Allen and Unwin 1948. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 1949, 22. In 1989a (555-557: “Occupational therapy”).
W19 – “Terapia ocupacional – resenha do livro de Adrian Hill, Art verus Illness”
*1949p Letter to the editor, British Med. J., , 06.01.1949. In 1987b (Letter 10, 13-14).
W17 – “Carta 10 – Ao editor”
*1949q Letter to the editor, The Times, 10.08.1949. In 1987b (Letter 12, 15-16).
W17 – “Carta 12 – Ao editor”
*1950a Some thoughts on the meaning of the word democracy. Human Relations, 1950, 3. In 1965a (155-169), 1986b (239-259).
W14 – “Algumas reflexões sobre o significado da palavra democracia”
1950b Book review. Stein, Leopold: Infancy of Speech and the Speach of Infancy. London: Methuen 1949. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 1950, 23.
*1951a The foundation of mental health (leading article). Brit. Med. J., 1951, 16.06. 1951.In 1984a (168-171).
W13 – “O alicerce da saúde mental”
1951b The Times Correspondance on care of young children. Nursery Journal, 1951, 41.
1951c Book review. Evans, R.R. & MacKeith, R.: Infant Feeding and Feeding Difficulties. London: Churchill. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 1951, 24.
*1951d Book notice. Field, Joanna [= Marion Milner] : On Not Being Able to Paint”. London: Heinemann 1950. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 1951, 24 (“Critical notice”). In 1989a (390-392).
W19 – “Marion Milner- Nota crítica de On Not Being Able to Paint”
1951e Book review. Jones, Ernest: Papers on Psycho-Analysis (5th ed). London: Ballière 1948. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 1951, 24.
1951f Letter to British Medical Journal, 25.08.1951.
1951g Letter to The Lancet, 18.08.1951.
*1952 [1951] Visiting children in hospital. Child-Family Digest, oct. 1952. New Era in Home and School, 1952, 33. In 1957a (121-126), 1964a (221-226).
W7 – “Visitando crianças hospitalizadas”
*1953a [1952] Psychoses and child care. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 1953, 26. In 1958a (219-228).
W6 – “Psicose e os cuidados maternos”
*1953b Symptom tolerance in paediatrics – a case history. Proc. Royal Soc. Med., 1953, 46. In 1958a (101-117).
W6 – “A tolerância do sintoma na pediatria – a história de um caso”
*1953c [1951] Transitional objects and transitional phenomena. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1953, 34. In 1958a (229-242), 1971a (1-25).
W10 – “Objetos transicionais e fenômenos transicionais”
* 1953d [1951] & others: The child’s needs and the role of the mother in the early stages. In Problems in Education IX. Unesco 1953. In 1957b (14-23), 1964a (189-198: “Mother, teacher, and the child’s needs”).
W7 – “A mãe, a professora e as necessidades da criança”
1953e Book review. Burlingham, Dorothy: Twins: A Study of Three Pairs of Identical wins. London: Imago 1952. New Era in Home and School, 1953, 34. In 1989a (408-412).
* 1953f Book review. Bowlby, John: Maternal Care and Mental Health. Geneve: WHO 1951. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 1953, 26. In 1989a (423-426).
W19 – “John Bowlby [I – Resenha de Maternal Care and Mental Healthi]”
1953g Book review. Glover, Edward: Psycho-Analysis and Child Psychiatry. London:Imago 1953. Brit. Med. J., sept. 1953.
1953h Book review. Rosen, John N.: Direct Analysis. New York: Grune & Stratton 1953. Brit. J. Psychol., 1953, 44.
*1953i & Khan, M. Masud R. Book review. Fairbairn, W.R.D.: Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality. London: Tavistock 1952. Int. J. Psycho- Anal., 1953, 34. In 1989a (413-422).
W19 – “W. R. D. Fairbairn – Resenha de Psycho-Analytic of the Personality”
*1954a [1949] Mind and its relation to the psycho-soma. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 1954, 27. In 1958a (243-254).
W6 – “A mente e sua relação com o psique-soma”
*1954b The needs for the under-fives. Nursery Journal, 1954, 44: “The needs for the under-fives in a changing society”. In 1957b (3-13: “The needs for the under-fives in a changing society”), 1964a (179-188).
W7 – “Necessidades das crianças de menos de cinco anos”
*1954c Pitfalls in adoption. Medical Press, 1954, 232. In 1957b (45-51), 1996a (128-135).
W21 – “Armadilhas na adoção”
*1954d [1953] Two adopted children. Case Conference, 1954, 1. In 1957b (52-65), 1996a (113-127).
W21 – “Duas crianças adotadas”
1954e Preface to O. Stevenson: The first treasured possession. Psychoanal. Study Child,1954, 9.
1954f Book review. Bakwin, H. & R. M.: Clinical Management of Behavior Disorders in Children. Philadelphia: Saunders 1953. Brit. Med. J., aug. 1954.
1954g Book review. Jackson, Lydia: Aggression and its Interpretation. London: Methuen 1952. Brit. Med. J., june 1954.
1954h Letter to The Spectator, 12.02.1954 .
*1954i Sponsored television. Letter to the editor, The Times, 21.07.1954. In 1987b (letter 46, 76-77).
W17 – “Carta 46 – Televisão patrocinada”
*1954j Letter to the editor, The Times, 01.11.1954. In 1987b (letter 50, 82-83).
W17 – “Carta 50 – Ao editor”
*1955a Adopted children in adolescence (Address to Standing Conference of Societies Registered for Adoption). Report of Residential Conference, Standing Conference of Societies registered for adoption, july 1955. In 1996a (136-148).
W21 – “A adolescência das crianças adotadas”
* 1955b A case managed at home. Case Conference, 1955, 2: “Childhood psychosis: A case managed at home”. In 1958a (118-126).
W6 – “Um caso tratado em casa”
*1955c [1954] The depressive position in normal emotional development. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 1955, 28. In 1958a (262-277).
W6 – “A posição depressiva no desenvolvimento emocional normal”
*1955d [1954] Metapsychological and clinical aspects of regression within the psychoanalytical set-up. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1955, 36. In 1958a (278-294).
W6 – “Aspectos clínicos e metapsicológicos da regressão dentro do setting psicanalítico”
*1955e [1954] Withdrawal and regression. Rev.Franc.Psychanal., 1955, 19: “Régression et repli”. In 1958a (255-261), 1986a (187-192: “Appendix”).
W19 – “Notas sobre retraimento e regressão”
1955f Foreword to Joan Graham Malleson: Any Wife or Any Husb (orig.1952). London: Heinemann 1955.
*1956a [1955] Clinical varieties of transference. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1956, 37: “Ontransference”. In 1958a (295-299).
W6 – “Variedades clínicas da transferência”
*1956b Prefrontal leucotomy. Letter to the editor of British Medical Journal, 28.01.1956.In 1989a (553-554, part of “Physical therapy of mental disorder: Leucotomy”).
W19 – “Sobre outras formas de tratamento – Terapia física do transtorno mental: [I – leucotomia: leucotomia pré-frontal]”
1957a The Child and the Family. London: Tavistock 1957.
1957b The Child and the Outside World: Studies in Developing Relationships. London: Tavistock 1957.
1957c [1955] On adoption. In The Child and the Family (1957a). London: Tavistock 1957 (127-130).
* 1957d [1939] Aggression. In The Child and the Outside World (1957b). London: Tavistock 1957 (167-175). In 1984a (84-92, part of “Aggression and its roots”).
W7 – “As raízes da agressividade”
W13 – “Agressão” [parte de “Agressão e suas raízes”]
*1957e [1945] Breast feeding. In The Child and the Outside World (1957b). London: Tavistock 1957 (141-148). In 1964a (50-57).
W7 – “Alimentação”
*1957f The contribution of psycho-analysis to midwifery. Nursing Mirror, may 1957. In 1965a (106-113), 1987a (69-81).
W16 – “A contribuição da psicanálise à obstetrícia”
*1957g [1945] The evacuated child. In The Child and the Outside World (1957b). London: Tavistock 1957 (83-87). In 1984a (39-43).
W13 – “A criança evacuada”
*1957h [1955] First experiments in independence. In The Child and the Family (1957a). London: Tavistock 1957 (131-136). In 1964a (167-172).
W7 – “Primeiras experiências de independência”
*1957i Health education through broadcasting. Mother and Child, 1957, 28. In 1993a (1-6).
W20 – “Educação para a saúde através do rádio”
*1957j [1945] Home again. In The Child and the Outside World (1957b). London: Tavistock 1957 (93-97). In 1984a (49-53).
W13 – “De novo em casa”
1957k [1949] The impulse to steal. In The Child and the Outside World (1957b). London: Tavistock 1957 (176-180).
*1957l [1950] Instincts and normal difficulties. In The Child and the Family (1957a). London: Tavistock 1957 (74-78). In 1964a (98-102).
W7 – “Instintos e dificuldades normais”
* 1957m [1950] Knowing and learning. In The Child and the Family (1957a). London: Tavistock 1957 (69-73). In 1987a (15-21).
W16 – “Saber e aprender”
*1957n [1949] A man looks at motherhood. In The Child and the Family (1957a). London: Tavistock 1957 (3-6). In 1964a (15-18).
W7 – “Um homem encara a maternidade”
*1957o The mother’s contribution to society. In The Child and the Family (1957a). London: Tavistock 1957 (141-144: “Postscript”). In 1986b (123-127).
W14 – “A contribuição da mãe para a sociedade”
*1957p [1945] The only child. In The Child and the Family (1957a). London: Tavistock 1957 (107-111). In 1964a (131-136).
W7 – “O filho único”
*1957q [1945] The return of the evacuated child. In The Child and the Outside World (1957b). London: Tavistock 1957 (88-92). In 1984a (44-48).
W13 – “O regresso da criança evacuada”
*1957r [1949] Stealing and telling lies. In The Child and the Family (1957a). London: Tavistock 1957 (117-120). In 1964a (161-166).
W7 – “Roubar e dizer mentiras”
*1957s [1945] Twins. In The Child and the Family (1957a). London: Tavistock 1957 (112-116). In 1964a (137-142).
W7 – “Gêmeos”
1957t Address at meeting of the British Psycho-Analytic Society. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1957, 38.
*1958a Collected Papers: Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock 1958. Second ed. (with preface by M.M.R.Khan) London: Hogarth and The Institute of Psycho-Analysis 1975.
W6 – Textos selecionados: da pediatria à psicanálise
*1958b [1950] Aggression in relation to emotional development. In Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis (1958a). London: Tavistock 1958 (204-218).
W6 – “A agressão e sua relação com o desenvolvimento emocional”
* 1958c [1956] The antisocial tendency. In Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis (1958a). London: Tavistock 1958 (306-315). In 1984a (120-131).
W13 – “A tendência anti-social”
*1958d [1952] Anxiety associated with insecurity. In Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis (1958a). London: Tavistock 1958 (97-100).
W6 – “A ansiedade associada à insegurança”
*1958e [1936] Appetite and emotional disorder. In Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis (1958a). London: Tavistock 1958 (33-51).
W6 – “Apetite e perturbação emocional”
*1958f [1949] Birth memories, birth trauma, and anxiety. In Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis (1958a). London: Tavistock 1958 (174-193).
W6 – “Recordações do nascimento, trauma do nascimento e ansiedade”
*1958g [1957] The capacity to be alone. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1958, 39. Psyche, 1958, 12: “Über die Fähigkeit, allein zu sein”. In 1965b (29-36).
W9 – “A capacidade para estar só”
*1958h Child analysis in the latency period. A Crinca Portuguesa, 1958, 17. In 1965b (115-123).
W9 – “A análise da criança no período de lactência”
*1958i [1957] On the contribution of direct child observation to psycho-analysis. Rev. franc. psych-anal., 1958, 22: “Discussion sur la contribution de l’observation directe de l’enfant à la psychanalyse”. In 1965b (109-114).
W9 – “Sobre a contribuição da observação direta da criança para a psicanálise”
*1958j The first year of life. Medical Press, 1958, march: “Modern views on the emotional development in the first year of life”. In 1965a (3-14).
W8 – “O primeiro ano de vida. Concepções modernas do desenvolvimento emocional”
*1958k [1935] The manic defense. In Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis (1958a). London: Tavistock 1958 (129-144).
W6 – “A defesa maníaca”
1958l New advances in psycho-analysis. Tipta Yenilikler, 1958, 4: “Psikanalizde ilerlemeler”.
*1958m [1956] Paediatrics and childhood neurosis. In Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis (1958a). London: Tavistock 1958 (316-321).
W6 – “Pediatria e neurose infantil”
*1958n [1956] Primary maternal preoccupation. In Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis (1958a). London: Tavistock 1958 (300-305).
W6 – “Preocupação materna primária”
*1958o [1956] Psycho-analysis and the sense of guilt. In J.D. Sutherland (ed): Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought.. London: Hogarth 1958. In 1965b (15-28).
W9 – “A psicanálise do sentimento de culpa”
*1958p [1948] Reparation in respect of mother’s organized defence against depression. In Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis (1958a). London: Tavistock 1958 (91-96).
W6 – “A reparação em função da defesa materna organizada contra a depressão”
*1958q Theoretical statement of the field of child psychiatry. In A. Holzel & J.P.M. Tizard (eds): Modern Trends in Paediatrics. London: Butterworth 1958 (part of chapter14, “Child psychiatry”). In 1965a (97-105).
W8 – “Definição teórica do campo da psiquiatria infantil”
*1958r Book review. Balint, Michael: The Doctor, His Patients and the Illness. London: Pitman 1957. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1958, 39. In 1989a (438-442).
W19 – “Michel Balint [II – Resenha de The Doctor, His Patient and the Ilness]”
*1958s Obituary. Jones, Ernest. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1958, 39. In 1989a (393-404).
W19 – “Ernest Jones [I – Obituário]”
*1958t Jones, Ernest: funeral adress. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1958, 39. In 1989a (405-407).
W19 – “Ernes Jones [II – Discurso fúnebre]”
1958u Obituary. Wilson, Dr. Ambrose Cyril. Int.J.Psycho-Anal., 1958, 39.
1959a Obituary. Friedmann, Oscar. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1959, 40.
*1959b Book review. Klein, Melanie: Envy and Gratitude. London: Tavistock 1957. Case Conference, 1959, 5: “On envy”. In 1989a (443-446).
W19 – “Resenha de Envy and Gratitude [parte I de Melanie Klein – Sobre o seu conceito de inveja]”
1959c Film review. Robertson, “Going to hospital with mother”. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1959, 40.
*1960a [1959] Countertransference. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 1960, 33. In 1965b (158-165).
W9 – “Contratransferência”
*1960b String: A technique of communication. J. Child Psychol. Psychiat., 1960, 1: “String”. In 1965b (153-157), 1971a (15-20, part of “Transitional objects and transitional phenomena”).
W9 – “Cordão: uma técnica de comunicação”
* 1960c The theory of the parent-infant relationship. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1960, 41. In 1965b(37-55).
W9 – “Teoria do relacionamento paterno-infantil”
*1961a [1959] The effect of psychotic parents on the emotional development of the child. Brit. J. Psychiat. Soc. Work, 1961, 6. In 1965a (69-78).
W8 – “Conseqüências da psicose parental para o desenvolvimento emocional da criança”
*1961b [1957] Integrative and disruptive factors in family life. Canad. Med. Assoc. J., 1961, april. In 1965a (40-49).
W8 – “Fatores de integração e desintegração na vida familiar”
*1961c Training for child psychiatry. St. Mary’s Hospital Gazette, 1961, 67: “The Paediatric Department of Psychology”. In 1996a (227-230).
W21 – “Formação em psiquiatria infantil: o departamento pediátrico da psicologia”
1961d Book review. Spence, Sir James: The Purpose and Practice of Medicine. London: Oxford Univ.Press 1960. Brit. Med. J., feb.1961.
*1962a [1961] Adolescence: Struggling through the doldrums. New Era in Home and School,1962, 43: “Adolescence”. In 1965a (79-87), 1984a (145-155: “Struggling through the doldrums”).
W8 – “Adolescência. Transpondo a zona das calmarias”
*1962b A child psychiatry interview. St. Mary’s Hosp. Gaz., 1962, 68. In 1971b (105-109, case 6 “Rosemary”).
W11 – “Caso 6 – Rosemary aos 6 anos”
*1962c [1961] The theory of the parent-infant relationship. Further remarks. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1962, 43. In 1989a (73-75).
W19 – “Observações adicionais sobre a teoria do relacionamento paterno-filial”
1962d Book review. Bergeron, M.: Psychologie du premier age. Paris: Presses Univ. 1961. Arch. Dis. Childhood, 1962, 37.
* 1962e Book review. Freud, E. (ed): Letters of Sigmund Freud 1873-1939. London: Hogarth 1961. Brit. J. Psychol., 1962, 53. In 1989a (474-477).
W19 – “Sigmund Freud – Resenha de Letters of Sigmund Freud”
1962f Book review. Lebovici, S. & McDougall, J.: Un Cas de psychose infantile. Paris: Presses Univ. 1960. J. Child Psychol. Psychiat., 1962, 3.
1962g Contribution to discussion. Discussion of Greenacre & Winnicott “The theory of the parent-infant relationship. Further remarks”. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1962, 43.
*1963a [1962] Dependence in infant-care, in child-care, and in the psycho-analytic setting. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1963, 44. In 1965b (249-259).
W9 – “Dependência no cuidado do lactente, no cuidado da criança e na situação psicanalítica”
*1963b [1962] The development of the capacity for concern. Bull Menninger Clin., 1963,27. In 1965b (73-82), 1984a (100)-105).
W9 – “O desenvolvimento da capacidade de se preocupar”
W13 – “O desenvolvimento da capacidade de envolvimento”
*1963c The mentally ill in your caseload. In Joan F.S. King (ed): New Thinking for Changing Needs. London: The Association of Social Workers 1963. In 1965b (217-229).
W9 – “Os doentes mentais na prática clínica”
*1963d Morals and education. In W .R. Niblett (ed): Moral Education in a Changing Society. London: Faber 1963 (“The young child at home and at school”). In 1965b (93-105).
W9 – “Moral e educação”
1963e A psychotherapeutic consultation: a case of stammering. A Criança Portuguesa, 1963, 21. In *1971b (110-126, case 7 “Alfred”).
W11 – “Caso 7 – Alfred”
* 1963f Regression as therapy illustrated by the case of a boy whose dependence was adequately met by the parents. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 1963, 36. In 1971b (239-269, case 14, “Cecil”).
W11 – “Caso 14 – Cecil aos 21 meses, na primeira consulta”
*1963g Training for child psychiatry. J. Child Psychol. Psychiat., 1963, 4. In 1965b (193-202).
W9 – “Treinamento para psiquiatria de crianças”
1963h Book review. Goldfarb, William: Childhood Schizophrenia. Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard Univ. Press 1961. Brit.J.Psychiatric Soc.Work, 1963, 7. In 1996a (193-194).
*1963i Book review. Searles, Harold F.: The Non-human Environment. New York: Int. Univ.Press 1960. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1963, 44. In 1989a (478-481).
W19 – “Harold F. Searles – Resenha de The Non-Human Enviroment in Normal Development an in Schizophrenia”
* 1964a The Child, the Family, and the Outside World. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books1964.
W7 – A criança e seu mundo
*1964b Deductions drawn from a psychotherapeutic interview with an adolescent. In Report of the 20th Child Guidance Inter-Clinic Conference, 1964. London: The National Association for Mental Health 1964. In 1989a (325-340).
W19 – “Deduções a partir de uma entrevista psico- terapêutica com uma adolescente”
*1964c The newborn and his mother. Acta Paediatrica Latina, 1964, 17: “The neonate and his mother”. In 1987a (35-49).
W16 – “O recém-nascido e sua mãe”
*1964d Roots of aggression. In The Child, the Family, and the Outside World (1964a). Harmondsworth: Penguin Books 1964 (232-239). In 1984a (92-99, part of “Aggression and its roots”).
W7 – “As raízes da agressividade”
*1964e [1963] The value of depression. Brit. J. Psychiat. Soc.Work, 1964, 7. The Observer, 31.05. 1964 (“Strength out of misery”). In 1986b (71-79).
W14 – “O valor da depressão”
*1964f Youth will not sleep. New Society, 28.05.1964. In 1984a (156-158).
W13 – “A juventude não dormirá”
*1964g Introduction. In The Child, the Family, and the Outside World (1964a). Harmondsworth: Penguin Books 1964 (9-11).
W7 – “Introdução”
*1964h Book review. Jung, C.G.: Memories, Dreams, Reflections. London: Collins and Routledge 1963. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1964, 45. In 1989a (482-492)
W19 – “C. G. Jung – Resenha de Memories, Dreams, Reflections”
1964i Book review. Riese, Hertha: Heal the Hurt Child. Chicago: Chicago Univ.Press 1963. New Society, jan.1964.
1964j Foreword in Margaret Torrie: The Widow’s Child. Richmond, Surrey: Cruse Clubs 1964.
*1964k Letter to the editor, New Society, 23.03.1964: “Love or skill?” In 1987b (Letter 87,140-142).
W17 – “Carta 87 – Ao editor”
*1964l Letter to The Observer, 12.10.1964. In 1987b (Letter 88, 142-144).
W17 – “Carta 88 – Ao editor”
*1964m Letter to the editor, The Observer, 05.11.1964: “All of mother”. In 1987b (Letter 90, 146).
W17 – “Carta 90 – Ao editor”
*1965a The Family and Individual Development. London: Tavistock 1965.
W8 – A família e o desenvolvimento individual
*1965b The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment. London: Hogarth 1965.
W9 – O ambiente e os processos de maturação
*1965c [1957] Advising parents. In The Family and Individual Development (1965a). London: Tavistock 1965 (114-120).
W8 – “Aconselhando os pais”
*1965d [1962] The aims of psycho-analytical treatment. In The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment (1965b). London: Hogarth 1965 (166-170).
W9 – “Os objetivos do tratamento psicanalítico”
*1965e [1959] Casework with mentally ill children. In The Family and Individual Development (1965a). London: Tavistock 1965 (121-131).
W8 – “Atendimento de caso com crianças mentalmente perturbadas”
*1965f A child psychiatry case illustrating delayed reaction to loss. In Max Schur (ed): Drives, Affects, Behavior, vol. 2. New York: Int. Univ. Press 1965. In 1989a (341-368).
W19 – “Um caso de psiquiatria infantil que ilustra a reação retardada à perda”
* 1965g Child therapy: A case of anti-social behaviour. In J.G. Howells (ed): Modern Perspectives in Child Psychiatry. London/Springfield, Ill.: Oliver & Boyd 1965. In 1971b (270-295, case 15 “Mark”).
W11 – “Caso 15 – Mark”
*1965h [1959] Classification: Is there a psycho-analytic contribution to psychiatric classification. In The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment (1965b). London: Hogarth 1965 (124-139).
W9 – “Classificação: existe uma contribuição psicanalítica à classificação psiquiátrica?”
*1965i A clinical study of the effect of a failure of the average expectable environment on a child’s mental functioning. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1965, 46. In 1971b (64-88, case 4 “Bob”).
W11 – “Bob aos 6 anos”
*1965j [1963] Communicating and not communicating leading to a study of certain opposites. In The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment (1965b). London: Hogarth 1965 (179-92).
W9 – “Comunicação e falta de comunicação levando ao estudo de certos opostos”
*1965k [1950] The deprived child and how he can be compensated for loss of family life. In TheFamily and Individual Development (1965a). London: Tavistock 1965 (132-145).In 1984a (172-188).
W8 – “Sobre a criança carente e de como ela pode ser compensada pela perda da vida familiar”
*1965l [1960] The effect of psychosis on family life. In The Family and Individual Development (1965a). London: Tavistock 1965 (61-68).
W8 – “Os efeitos da psicose sobre a vida familiar”
*1965m [1960] Ego distortion in terms of true and false self. In The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment (1965b). London: Hogarth 1965 (140-152).
W9 – “A distorção do ego em termos de falso e verda- deiro self”
*1965n [1962] Ego integration in child development. In The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment (1965b). London: Hogarth 1965 (56-63).
W9 – “A integração do ego no desenvolvimento da criança”
*1965o [1958] The family affected by depressive illness in one or both parents. In The Family and Individual Development (1965a). London: Tavistock 1965 (50-60).
W8 – “A família afetada pela patologia depressiva de um ou ambos os pais”
*1965p [1960] The family and emotional maturity. In The Family and Individual Development (1965a). London: Tavistock 1965 (88-94).
W8 – “Família e a maturidade emocional”
*1965q [1962] The five-year old. In The Family and Individual Development (1965a). London: Tavistock 1965 (34-39). In 1993a (111-120: “Now they are five”).
W8 – “A criança de cinco anos”
*1965r [1963] From dependence towards independence in the development of the individual. In The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment (1965b). London: Hogarth 1965 (83-92).
W9 – “Da dependência à independência no desenvolvimento do indivíduo”
*1965s [1955] Group influences and the maladjusted child: The school aspect. In The Family and Individual Development (1965a). London: Tavistock 1965 (146-154). In 1984a(189-199).
W13 – “Influências de grupo e a criança desajustada. O aspecto escolar”
*1965t [1950] Growth and development in immaturity. In The Family and Individual Development (1965a). London: Tavistock 1965 (21-29).
W8 – “Crescimento e desenvolvimento na fase imatura”
*1965u [1963] Hospital care supplementing intensive psychotherapy in adolescence. In TheMaturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment (1965b). London: Hogarth 1965 (242-248).
W9 – “Atendimento hospitalar como complemento de psicoterapia intensiva na adolescência”
*1965va [1962] A personal view of the Kleinian contribution. In The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment (1965b). London: Hogarth 1965 (171-178).
W9 – “Enfoque pessoal da contribuição kleiniana”
*1965vb The price of disregarding psychoanalytic research. In The Price of Mental Health: Report of the National Association for Mental Health Annual Conference. London1965 (“The price of disregarding research findings”). In 1986b (172-182).
W14 – “O preço de desconsiderar a pesquisa psicanalítica”
*1965vc [1962] Providing for the child in health and crisis. In The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment (1965b). London: Hogarth 1965 (64-72).
W9 – “Provisão para a criança na saúde e na crise”
*1965vd [1963] Psychiatric disorder in terms of infantile maturational processes. In The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment (1965b). London: Hogarth 1965 (230-241).
W9 – “Distúrbios psiquiátricos e processos de maturação infantil”
*1965ve [1963] Psychotherapy of character disorders. In The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment (1965b). London: Hogarth 1965 (203-216). In 1984a (241-255).
W9 – “Psicoterapia dos distúrbios de caráter”
*1965vf [1960] The relationship of a mother to her baby at the beginning. In The Family and Individuel Development (1965a). London: Tavistock 1965 (15-20).
W8 – “O relacionamento inicial entre uma mãe e seu bebê”
*1965vg [1960] On security. In The Family and Individual Development (1965a). London: Tavistock 1965 (30-33). In 1993a (87-93: “Security”).
W20 – “Segurança”
*1965vh Preface. In The Family and Individual Development (1965a). London: Tavistock 1965 (vii).
W8 – “Prefácio”
*1965vi Introduction. In The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment (1965b). London: Hogarth 1965 (9-10).
W9 – “Introdução”
*1965vj Book review. Erikson, Erik H.: Childhood and Society. London: Hogarth 1965. New Society, 30.09.1965. In 1989a (493-494).
W19 – “Erik H. Erikson – Resenha de Childhood and Society”
1965vk Book review. Kirk, H.David: Shared Fate. New Society, 09.09.1965.
1966a Becoming deprived as a fact: a psychotherapeutic consultation. J. Child Psychother., 1966, 1. In 1971b (315-330, case 17 “Ruth”).
W11 – “Caso 17: Ruth”
*1966b [1965] Comment on obsessional neurosis and “Frankie”. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1966, 47. In 1989a (158-160).
W19 – “Comentário sobre neurose obsessiva e Frankie”
*1966c Dissociation revealed in a therapeutic consultation. In Ralph Slovenko (ed): Crime, Law and Corrections. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas 1966: “A psychoanalytic view of the antisocial tendency”. In 1971b (220-238, case 13 “Ada”), 1984a (256-282).
W11 – “Ada aos 6 anos”
*1966d [1964] Psycho-somatic illness in its positive and negative aspects. Int. J. Psycho-Anal.,1966, 47. In 1989a (103-114, in chapter “Psycho-somatic disorder”).
W19 – “Transtorno psicossomático [I – A enfermi- dade psicossomática em seus aspectos positivos e ne- gativos]”
1966e Discussion of I.Alger: “The clinical handling of the analyst’s response”. Psychoanal. Forum, 1966, 1.
1966f Book review. Axline, Virginia: Dibs in Search of Self, 1964. New Society, 28.04.1966.
1966g Book review. Chess, Thomas, Birch: Your Child is a Person. London: Peter Davies 1966. Medical News, 1966, October.
1966h Book review. Clyne, Max B.: Absent. London: Tavistock 1966. New Society, 29.09.1966.
*1966i Book review. Eppel, E.M. & M.: Adolescence & Morality. London: Routledge &Kegan Paul. New Society, 15.09.1966. In 1996a (48-50, “Out of the muths of adolescents”).
W21 – “O que sai da boca dos adolescentes”
1966j Book review. Goodacre, Iris: Adoption Policy & Practice. London: George Allen& Unwin 1966. New Society, 24.11.1966.
1966k Book review. Lask, Aaron: Asthma: Attitude & Milieu. London: Tavistock 1966. New Society, 17.11.1966.
1966l Review. Psychoanalytic Study Child, vol. 20. New Society, 19.05.1966. Brit.Med. J., 17.12.1966.
*1966m Book review. Rimland, Bernard: Infantile Autism. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts 1964. Brit. Med. J., 10.09.1966. In 1996a (195-196, part of “Three reviews of books on autism”).
W21 – “Três revisões de livros sobre o autismo”
*1966n Letter to the editor, The Times, 03.03.1966: “Psychiatric care”. In 1987b (Letter 96, 152-153).
W17 – “Carta 96 – Ao editor”
1967a Eine Kinderbeobachtung. Psyche, 1967, 21.
*1967b The location of culturel experience. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1967, 48. In 1971a (95-103).
W10 – “A localização da experiência cultural”
*1967c Mirror-role of mother and family in child development. In P. Lomas (ed): The Predicament of the Family: A Psychoanalytical Symposium. London: Hogarth Press 1967. In 1971a (111-118).
W10 – “O papel do espelho da mãe e da família no desenvolvimento infantil”
1967d Winnicott’s wisdom: Hobgoblins and good habits. Parents, 1967, 22.
1967e Winnicott’s wisdom: How a baby begins to feel sorry and to make amends. Parents, 1967, 22.
1967f Winnicott’s wisdom: The meaning of mother love. Parents, 1967, 22.
1967g Books review. A collection of Children’s Books. New Society, 07.12.1967 (“Smallthings for small people”).
*1967h A tribute on the occasion of Willi Hoffer’s seventieth birthday. Psyche, 1967, 21. In 1989a (499-505).
W19 – “Willi Hoffer – Um Tributo por Ocasião do Septuagésimo Aniversário de Hoffer”
1967i Book review. LeShan, Eda J.: How to Survive Parenthood. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. New Society, 26.10.1967.
1967j Book review. Stewart, Sheila: A Home from Home. London: Longmans, Green & Co. 1967. New Society, 18.05.1967. In 1984a (200-201: “The persecution that wasn’t”).
1967k Book review. Thomson, Helen: The Successful Stepparent. London: W.H.Allen. New Society, 13.04.1967.
*1968a [1967] The aetiology of infantile schzophrenia in terms of adaptive failure. Recherches,1968[spec.issue “Enfance aliénée”, II] : “La schizophrénie infantile en termes d’échec d’adaption”. In 1996a (218-223).
W21 – “A etiologia da esquizofrenia infantil em termos do fracasso adaptativo”
*1968b Children learning. In The Human Family and God. London: Christian Teamwork Institute of Education 1968. In 1986b (142-149).
W14 – “O aprendizado infantil”
*1968c [1967] Clinical regression compared with defense orga- nization. Int. Psychiat. Clin., 1968,5. = S. Eldred & M. Vanderpol (eds): Psychotherapy in the Designed TherapeuticMilieu. Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1968. In 1989a (193-199: “The concept of clinical regression compared with that of defence organization”).
W19 – “O conceito de regressão clínica comparado com o de organização defensiva”
*1968d Communication between infant and mother, and mother and infant, compared and contrasted. In Walter G. Joffe (ed): What Is Psychoanalysis. London: The Institute of Psycho-Analysis / Bailliere, Tindall & Cassell 1968. In 1987a (89-103).
W16 – “A comunicação entre o bebê e a mãe e entre a mãe e o bebê: convergências e divergências”
*1968e [1967] Delinquency as a sign of hope. Prison Service Journal, 1968, 7. In 1986b (90-100).
W14 – “A delinqüência como sinal de esperança”
*1968f [1967] Environmental health in infancy. Maternal and Child Care, 1968, 4: “Infant feeding and emotional development”. In 1987a (59-68), 1996a (39-41: “The bearing of emotional health on feeding problems”).
W16 – “O ambiente saudável na infância”
* 1968g Interrelation through cross identification. Rev.Psicoanál., 1968, 25: “La interrelación en términos de identificasiónes cruzadas”. In 1971a (129-137, part of chapter “Interrelating apart from instinctual drive and in terms of cross-identifications”).
W10 – “Inter-relacionar-se independentemente do impulso instintual e em função de identificações cruzadas”
1968h [1967] The non-pharmacological treatment of psychosis in childhood. In Concilium Paedopsychiatrium. Proc.3rd Europ.Congress Pedopsychiat., Wiesbaden 1967. Basel/New York: Karger 1968.
*1968i [1967] Playing: Its theoretical status in the clinical situation. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1968, 49. In 1971a (38-52: “Playing: A theoretical statement”).
W10 – “O brincar – uma exposição teórica”
*1968j Sleep refusal in children. Medical News Magazine. Paediatrics, july 1968. In 1996a (42-45).
W21 – “Recusa a dormir nas crianças”
*1968k The squiggle game. Voices: The Art and Science of Psycho-therapy, 1968, 4: “Squiggles”. In 1971b (42-63, case 3 “Eliza”), 1989a (299-317 )
W19 – “O jogo do rabisco (squiggle game)”
*1968l [1965] The value of the therapeutic consultation. In E.Miller (ed): Foundations of Child Psychiatry. Oxford/New York: Pergamon Press 1968. In 1971b (147-160, case 9 “Ashton”), 1989a (318-324).
W19 – “O valor da consulta terapêutica”
1968m [1967] Note of contribution to symposium on child analysis and paediatrics. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1968, 49 : “Note of contribution by D.W.Winnicott, London”.
1968n Book review. Burton, Lindy: Vulnerable Children: Three Studies of children in conflict. London: International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction 1968. New Society, 25.04.1968.
1968o Book review. Clegg, Alec & Megson, Barbara: Children in Distress. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books 1968. New Sociaty, 07.11.1968.
1968p Foreword in B.Dockar-Drysdale: Therapy in Child Care. Collected Papers. London: Longman 1968.
1968q Review. Psychoanal. Study Child, vol. 22. New Society, 16.05.1968.
1968r Book review. Sandström, Carl Ivar.: The Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence (orig. 1961). Harmondsworth: Penguin Books 1968 (London: Methuen 1967). National Marriage Guidance Council Journal, 1968, 11.
1968s Book review. Storr, Anthony: Human Aggression. Harmondsworth: PenguinBooks 1968. New Statesman, 05.07.1968.
1968t Foreword in Robert J.N. Tod (ed): Disturbed Children. London: Longman 1968.
*1969a Adolescent process and the need for personal confrontation. Pediatrics, 1969, 44. In 1971a (143-150: “Death and murder in the adolescent process”, part of chapter: “Contemporary concepts of adolescent development and their implications for higher education”), 1986b (157-166: “Death and murder in the adolescent process”, part of chapter: “Adolescent immaturity”).
W14 – “A imaturidade do adolescente”
*1969b [1968] Breast feeding as communication. Maternal and Child Care, 1969, 5. In1987a (23-33).
W16 – “A amamentação como forma de comunicação”
1969c [1968] Changing patterns – the young person, the family and society. Proceedings of the British Student Health Association, Newcastle 1968 (published 1969). In1971a (138-150: “Contemporary concepts of adolescent development and their implications for higher education”), 1986b (150-166: “Adolescent immaturity”).
1969d [1965] Do progressive schools give too much freedom to the child? In M. Ash (ed): Who Are the Progressive Now? London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1969: “Contribution to Conference at Dartington Hall”. In 1984a (209-213).
1969e First interview with child may start resumption of maturation. Frontiers of Clinical Psychiatry, 1969, 6.
*1969f [1968] A link between paediatrics and child psychology: Clinical observations. Dynam. Psychiat., 1969, 2: “Eine Verbindung zwischen Kinderheilkunde und Kinderpsy- chologie, klinische Betrachtungen”. In 1996a (255-276).
W21 – “Um vínculo entre a pediatria e a psicologia infantil; observações clínicas”
*1969g Physiotherapy and human relations. Physiotherapy, 1969, 55: “Human relations”. In 1989a (561-568).
W19 – “Sobre Outras formas de tratamento – Fisioterapia e relações humanas”
1969h [1968] Towards a theory of psychotherapy: the link with playing. Psice, 1969, 6: “Verso una teoria sulla psicoterapia: il suo rapporto col gioco”.
*1969i [1968] The use of an object and relating through identi- fications. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1969, 50. In 1971a (86-94), 1989a (218-227).
W19 – “Sobre o uso de um objeto – O uso de um objeto e o relacionamento através de identificações”
*1969j Book review. Freud, Anna: Indications for Child Analysis and Other Papers. NewYork: Int.Univ.Press 1968, London: Hogarth 1969. New Society, 21 august 1969. In 1989a (511-512).
W19 – “Anna Freud – Resenha de Indications for Child Analysis and other Papers”
*1969k Foreword in D.E.M.Gardner: Susan Isaacs. London: Methuen 1969. In 1989a (387-389).
W19 – “Prefácio a Susan Isaacs”
1969l Preface in S. Lebovici & J. McDougall: Dialogue with Sammy. A Psycho-Analytical Contribution to the Understanding of Child Psychosis (1960), ed. M. James. London: Hogarth 1969.
1969m Foreword in M. Milner: The Hands of the Living God. London: Hogarth 1969.
*1969n Obituary: James Strachey 1887-1967. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1969, 50. In 1989a (506-510).
W19 – “James Strachey – Obituário”
* 1969o Letter to the editor, Child Care News, 87: In 1989a (558-60: “Behaviour therapy”).
W19 – “Terapia comportamental”
* 1970a Dependence in child care. Your Child, 1970, 2. In 1987a (83-88).
W16 – “A dependência nos cuidados infantis”
*1970b [1969] The mother-infant experience of mutuality. In E.J. Anthony & T. Benedek (eds): Parenthood: Its Psychology and Psychopathology. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1970. In 1989a (251-260).
W19 – “A experiência mãe-bebê de mutualidade”
1970c Contribution to final number (untitled). Case Conference, 1970, 16.
*1971a Playing and Reality. London: Tavistock 1971.
W10 – O brincar e a realidade
*1971b Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry. London: Hogarth 1971.
W11 – “Caso 7 – Alfred”M
*1971c “Albert” aet 7 years 9 months, Case 10. In Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry (1971b). London: Hogarth 1971 (161-175).
W11 – “Albert aos 7 anos e 9 meses”
*1971d [1970] Basis for self in body. Nouv. Rev. Psychanal., 1971, 3: “Le Corps et le Self”. In 1989a (261-271).
W19 – “Sobre as bases para o self no corpo”
*1971e “Charles” aet 9 years, Case 8. In Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry (1971b). London: Hogarth 1971 (129-146).
W11 – “Charles aos 9 anos”
*1971f [1967] The concept of a healthy individual. In J.D. Sutherland (ed): Towards Community Mental Health. London: Tavistock 1971. In 1986b (21-38).
W14 – “O conceito de indivíduo saudável”
*1971g Creativity and its origins. In Playing and Reality (1971a). London: Tavistock 1971 (65-85).
W10 – “A criatividade e suas origens”
*1971h Dreaming, fantasying and living: A case-history describing a primary dissociation.In Playing and Reality (1971a). London: Tavistock 1971 (26-37).
W10 – “Sonhar, fantasiar e viver: uma hisória clínica que descreve uma dissociação primária”
*1971i “George” aet 13 years, Case 21. In Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry (1971b). London: Hogarth 1971 (380-396).
W11 – “George aos 13 anos”
*1971j “Hesta” aet 16 years 9, Case 11. In Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry (1971b). London: Hogarth 1971 (176-193).
W11 – “Hesta aos 16 anos”
*1971k “Iiro” aet 9 years 9 months, Case 1. In Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry (1971b). London: Hogarth 1971 (12-27).
W11 – “Iiro aos 9 anos e 6 meses”
*1971l Interrelating apart from instinctual drive and in terms of cross-identifications. In Playing and Reality (1971a). London: Tavistock 1971 (119-137).
W10 – “Inter-relacionar-se independentemente do impulso instintual e em função de identificações cruzadas”
*1971m “Jason” aet 8 years 9 months, Case 20. In Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry (1971b). London: Hogarth 1971 (344-379).
W11 – “Jason aos 8 anos e 9 meses”
*1971n “Lily” aet 5 years, Case 19. In Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry (1971b). London: Hogarth 1971 (342-343).
W11 – “Lily aos 5 anos”
*1971o “Mrs. X” aet 30 years (mother of Anna, aet 6 years), Case 18. In Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry (1971b). London: Hogarth 1971 (331-341).
W11 – “Sra. X aos 30 anos”
*1971p “Peter” aet 13 years, Case 16. In Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry (1971b). London: Hogarth 1971 (296-314).
W11 – “Peter aos 13 anos”
*1971q The place where we live. In Playing and Reality (1971a). London: Tavistock 1971 (104-110).
W10 – “O lugar em que vivemos”
*1971r Playing: Creative activity and the search for the Self. In Playing and Reality(1971a). London: Tavistock 1971 (53-64).
W10 – “O brincar: a atividade criativa e a busca do eu (self)”
* 1971s A psychotherapeutic consultation in child psychiatry: A comparative study of the dynamic processes. In S.Arieti (ed): The World Biennial of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy , vol. 1. New York: Basic Books 1971. In 1971b (194-214, case 12 “Milton”).
W11 – “Milton aos 8 anos”
*1971t “Robert” aet 9 years, Case 5. In Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry (1971b). London: Hogarth 1971 (89-104).
W11 – “Robert aos 9 anos”
*1971u “Robin” aet 5 years, Case 2. In Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry (1971b). London: Hogarth 1971 (28-41).
W11 – “Robin aos 5 anos”
*1971va [1966] The split-off male and female elements to be found in men and women. In Playing and Reality (1971a). London: Tavistock 1971 (72-85, in chapter “Creativity and its origins”, 1971g). In 1989a (169-183).
W10 – “A criatividade e suas origens”
*1971vb Introduction. In Playing and Reality (1971a). London: Tavistock 1971 (xi-xiii).
W10 – “Introdução”
*1971vc Introduction (Part One). In Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry (1971b). London: Hogarth 1971 (1-11).
W11 – “Introdução (parte I)”
*1971vd Introduction (Part Two). In Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry (1971b). London: Hogarth 1971 (127-128).
W11 – “Introdução (parte II)”
*1971ve Introduction (Part Three). In Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry (1971b). London: Hogarth 1971 (215-219).
W11 – “Introdução (parte III)”
1971vf Letter to Mme Jeannine Kalmanovitch. Nouv.Rev.Psychanal., 1971, 3.9
*1972a Fragment of an analysis. In P.L. Giovacchini (ed): Tactics and Techniques in Psychoanalytic Therapy. London: Hogarth 1972. In 1986a (19-186).
W15 – “Fragmento de uma análise”
*1972b [1969] Mother’s madness appearing in the clinical material as an ego-alien factor. In P.L. Giovacchini (ed): Tactics and Techniques in Psychoanalytic Therapy. London: Hogarth 1972. In 1989a (375-382).
W19 – “A loucura da mãe tal como aparece no material clínico como fator estranho ao ego”
*1972c [1968-69] Answers to comments (on “The split-off elements male and female elements”). Psychoanal. Forum, 1972, 4. In 1989a (189-192).
W19 – “Sobre os elementos masculinos e femininos ex-cindidos (split-off) – Resposta a comentários)”
*1974 Fear of breakdown. Int. Rev. Psycho-Anal., 1974, 1. In 1989a (87-95).
W19 – “O medo do colapso (breakdown)”
*1977 The Piggle. An Account of the Psycho-Analytic Treatment of a Little Girl. Ed. I. Ramzy. London: Hogarth 1977.
W12 – The Piggle: relato do tratamento psicanalítico de uma menina
*1984a Deprivation and Delinquency, eds. C.Winnicott/R.Shepherd/M.Davis. London: Tavistock 1984.
W13 – Privação e delinqüência
*1984b [1966] The absence of a sense of guilt. In Deprivation and Delinquency (1984a). London: Tavistock 1984 (106-112).
W13 – “Ausência de sentimento de culpa”
*1984c [1960] Aggression, guilt and reparation. In Deprivation and Delinquency (1984a). London: Tavistock 1984 (136-144), 1986b (80-89).
W13 – “Agressão, culpa e reparação”
*1984d [1965] Notes made in the train. In Deprivation and Delinquency (1984a). London: Tavistock 1984 (214-219). (Part 2) In 1989a (231-233).
W13 – “Apontamentos feitos no trem”
*1984e [1969] Freedom. Nouv.Rev.Psychanal., 1984, 30. In 1986b (228-238).
W14 – “A liberdade”
*1984f [1958] The psychology of separation. In Deprivation and Delinquency (1984a). London: Tavistock 1984 (132-135).
W13 – “A psicologia da separação”
*1984g [1970] Residential care as therapy. In Deprivation and Delinquency (1984a). London: Tavistock 1984 (220-228).
W13 – “Assistência residencial como terapia”
*1984h [1968] Sum, I am. Mathematics Teaching, march 1984. In 1986b (55-64).
W14 – “Sum, eu sou”
*1984i [1961] Varieties of psychotherapy. In Deprivation and Delinquency (1984a). London: Tavistock 1984 (232-240). In 1986b (101-111).
W13 – “Variedades de psicoterapia”
W14 – “Tipos de psicoterapia”
*1984j [1961] Comments on the Report of the Committee on Punishment in Prisons andBorstals, 1961. In Deprivation and Delinquency (1984a). London: Tavistock 1984 (202-208).
W13 – “Comentários sobre o Report of The Committee on Punishment in Prisons an Borstals”
*1986a [1972/55] Holding and Interpretation. Fragment of an Analysis. London: Hogarth 1986.
W15 – Holding e interpretação
*1986b Home Is Where We Start From. Eds. &&&Cinnicott/R.Shepherd/M.Davis.Harmondsworth: Penguin 1986.
W14 – Tudo começa em casa
*1986c [1969] Berlin walls. In Home Is Where We Start From (1986b). Harmondsworth: Penguin 1986 (221-227).
W14 – “Os muros de Berlim”
*1986d [1966] The child in the family group. In Home Is Where We Start From (1986b). Harmondsworth: Penguin 1986 (128-141).
W14 – “A criança no grupo familiar”
*1986e [1964] The concept of the False Self. In Home Is Where We Start From (1986b). Harmondsworth: Penguin 1986 (65-70).
W14 – “O conceito de falso self”
*1986f [1970] Cure. In Home Is Where We Start From (1986b).Harmondsworth: Penguin 1986 (112-120).
W14 – “A cura”
* 1986g [1964] This feminism. In Home Is Where We Start From (1986b). Harmondsworth: Penguin 1986 (183-194).
W14 – “Este feminismo”
*1986h [1970] Living creatively. In Home Is Where We Start From (1986b). Harmondsworth: Penguin 1986 (39-54).
W14 – “Vivendo de modo criativo”
*1986i [1969] The pill and the moon. In Home Is Where We Start From (1986b). Harmondsworth: Penguin 1986 (195-209).
W14 – “A pílula e a lua”
*1986j [1970] The place of the monarchy. In Home Is Where We Start From (1986b). Harmondsworth: Penguin 1986 (260-268).
W14 – “O lugar da monarquia”
*1986k [1961] Psychoanalysis and science: Friends or relations? In Home Is Where We Start from (1986b). Harmondsworth: Penguin 1986 (13-18).
W14 – “Psicanálise e ciência: amigas ou parentes?”
*1986l [1940] Discussion of war aims. In Home Is Where We Start From (1986b). Harmondsworth: Penguin 1986 (210-220).
W14 – “Discussão dos objetivos da guerra”
*1987 aBabies and their Mothers. Eds. C.Winnicott/R.Shepherd/M.Davis. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley 1987.
W16 – Os bebês e suas mães
*1987b The Spontaneous Gesture, Selected Letters. Ed. F.R.Rodman. Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press 1987.
W17 – O gesto espontâneo
*1987c [1966] The beginning of the individual. In Babies and their Mothers (1987a). Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley 1987 (51-58). W16 – “As origens do indivíduo”
* 1987d [1967] Preliminary notes for “Communication between infant and mother, and mother and infant, compared and contrasted” [1968d] . In Babies and their Mothers (1987a).Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley 1987 (107-109).
W16 – “A comunicação entre o bebê e a mãe e entre a mãe e o bebê: convergências e divergências”
*1987e [1966] The ordinary devoted mother. In Babies and their Mothers (1987a). Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley 1987 (3-14).
W16 – “A mãe dedicada comum”
*1988 Human Nature. Eds. C.Bollas/M.Davis/R.Shepherd. London: Free Association 1988.
W18 – Natureza humana
*1989a Psycho-Analytic Explorations. Eds C.Winnicott/R.Shepherd/M.Davis. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989.
W19 – Explorações psicanalíticas
*1989b Absence and presence of a sense of guilt illustrated in two patients. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (163-167)
W19 – “Ausência e presença do sentimento de culpa, ilustrado em duas pacientes”
*1989c Two further clinical examples. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (272-283, in chapter “On the basis for self in body”)
W19 – “Sobre as bases para o self no corpo [II – Dois outros exemplos clínicos]”
*1989d [1965] The concept of trauma in relation to the development of the individual within the family. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (130-148).
W19 – “O conceito de trauma em relação ao desenvolvimento do indivíduo dentro da família”
*1989e [1969] Development of the theme of the mother’s unconscious as discovered in psycho-analytic practice. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (247-250).
W19 – “Desenvolvimento do tema do inconsciente da mãe, tal como descobertona prática psicanalítica”
*1989f [1967] D. W. W. on D. W. W. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (569-582: “Postscript: D. W. W. on D. W. W.”).
W19 – “Pós-escrito: D. W. W. sobre D. W. W.”
*1989g [1939] Early disillusion. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (21-23).
W19 – “Desilusão precoce”
*1989h [1957] Excitement in the aetiology of coronary thrombosis. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (34-38).
W19 – “A excitação na etiologia da trombose coronária”
*1989i [1959] The fate of the transitional object. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (53-58).
W19 – “O destino do objeto transicional”
*1989j [1956] Fragments concerning varieties of clinical confusion. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (30-33).
W19 – “Fragmentos referentes a variedades de confusão clínica”
*1989k [1957] Hallucination and dehallucination. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (39-42).
W19 – “Alucinação e desalucinação”
*1989l Ideas and definitions. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press 1989 (43-44).
W19 – “Idéias e definições”
*1989m [1964] The importance of the setting in meeting regression in psycho-analysis. InPsychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (96-102).
W19 – “A importância do setting no encontro com a regressão na psicanálise”
*1989n [1970] Individuation. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (284-288).
W19 – “Individuação”
*1989o [1968] Interpretation in psycho-analysis. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (207-212).
W19 – “A interpretação na psicanálise”
*1989p Knowing and not knowing: A clinical example. In Psychoanalytic Explorations(1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (24-25).
W19 – “Saber e não saber: um exemplo clínico”
*1989q [1951] Notes on the general implications of leucotomy. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (548-552, in chapter “Physical therapy of mental disorder: Leucotomy”).
W19 – “Sobre outras formas de tratamento – Terapia física do transtorno mental: leucotomia – [III – Notas sobre as implicações gerais da leucotomia]”
*1989r [1967] Addendum to “The Location of culturel experience” [1967b] . In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (200-202).
W19 – “Adendo a ‘A localização da experiência cultural'”
*1989s [1965] New light on children’s thinking. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (152-157).
W19 – “Uma nova luz sobre o pensar infantil”
*1989t [1963] A note on a case involving envy. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (76-78).
W19 – “Uma nota sobre um caso envolvendo inveja”
*1989u Notes on play. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (59-63).
W19 – “Notas sobre o brinquedo”
*1989va A note on the mother-foetus relationship. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (161-162)
W19 – “Nota sobre o relacionamento mãe-feto”
*1989vb [1965] Notes on withdrawal and regression. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (149-151)
W19 – “Notas sobre retraimento e regressão”
*1989vc [1959] Nothing at the centre. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (49-52).
W19 – “Nada no centro”
*1989vd [1963] Perversions and pregenital fantasy. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (79-80).
W19 – “Perversões e fantasia pré-genital”
*1989ve [1968] Physical and emotional disturbances in an adolescent girl. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (369-374).
W19 – “Distúrbios físicos e emocionais em uma adolescente”
*1989vf A point in technique. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press 1989 (26-27).
W19 – “Um ponto de técnica”
*1989vg [1954] Play in the analytic situation. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (28-29).
W19 – “O brinquedo na situação analítica”
*1989vh [1968] Playing and culture. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (203-206).
W19 – “O brincar e a cultura”
*1989vi [1955] Private practice. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (291-298).
W19 – “Clínica particular”
*1989vj [1958] Psychogenesis of a beating fantasy. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (45-48).
W19 – “Psicogênese de uma fantasia de espancamento”
*1989vk [1965] The psychology of madness: A contribution from psycho-analysis. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (119-129)
W19 – “A psicologia da loucura: uma contribuição da psicanálise”
*1989vl [1961] Psycho-neurosis in childhood. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (64-72).
W19 – “Psiconeurose na infância”
*1989vm [1969] Additional note on psycho-somatic disorder. In Psychoanalytic Explorations(1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (115-118, in chapter “Psycho-somatic disorder”).
W19 – “Transtorno (disorder) psicossomático [II – Nota adicional sobre transtorno psicossomático]”
*1989vn [1944] Introduction to a symposium on the psycho-analytic contribution to the theory of shock therapy. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge,Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (525-528, in chapter “Physical therapy of mental disorder: Convulsion therapy”).
W19 – “Sobre outras formas de tratamento – Terapia física do transtorno mental [IV – Introdução a um simpósio sobre a contribuição psicanalítica à teoria da terapia de choque]”
*1989vo [1944] Kinds of psychological effect of shock therapy. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (529-533, in chapter “Physical therapy of mental disorder: Convulsion therapy”).
W19 – “Sobre outras formas de tratamento – Terapia física do transtorno mental [V – Tipos de efeitos psicológicos da terapia de choque]”
*1989vp [1959/63] Clinical material. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (183-188, in chapter “On the splitt-off male and female elements”).
W19 – “Sobre os elementos masculinos e femininos ex-cindidos (split-off) – [II – Material clínico]”
*1989vq Thinking and symbol-formation. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (213-216).
W19 – “O pensar e a formação de símbolos”
*1989vr [1943] Treatment of mental disease by induction of fits. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (516-521, in chapter “Physical therapy of mental disorder: Convulsion therapy”).
W19 – “Sobre outras formas de tratamento – Terapia física do transtorno mental [tratamento da doença mental pela indução de convulsão]”
*1989vs [1963] Two notes on the use of silence. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (81-86).
W19 – “Duas notas sobre o uso do silêncio”
*1989vt [1968] Clinical illustration of “The use of an object”. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (235-238, in chapter: On “The Use of an Object”).
W19 – “Sobre O uso de um objeto [Ilustração clínica do `Uso do objeto’]”
*1989vu [1968] Comments on my paper “The use of an object”. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (238-240, in chapter: On “The Use of an Objects”).
W19 – “Sobre O uso de um objeto [Comentários sobre meu artigo `O uso de um objeto’]”
*1989vv [1963] D. W. W.’s dream related to reviewing Jung. In Psycho- analytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (228-230), in chapter: On “The Use of an Object”).
W19 – “Sobre O uso de um objeto [Um sonho de D. W. W. relacionado a uma resenha de um livro de Jung]”
*1989xa [1969] The use of an object in the context of Moses and Monotheism. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (240-246, in chapter: On “The Use of an Object”).
W19 – “Sobre O uso de um objeto [O uso do objeto no contexto de Moisés e o monoteísmo]”
*1989xb [1968] The use of the word “Use”. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (233-235, in chapter: On “The Use of an Object”).
W19 – “Sobre O uso de um objeto [O uso da palavra `uso’]”
*1989xc Commentary on Axline, Virginia: Play Therapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1947. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 ( 495-498).
W19 – “Virgínia Axline – um comentário sobre Play Therapy”
*1989xd [1954] Character types: The foolhardy and the cautious (Discussion of Michael Balint’s “Funfairs, thrills and regressions”[in Thrills and Regression., 1959] . In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (433-437).
W19 – “Michel Balint [I – Tipos de caráter: o temerário e o cauteloso]”
*1989xe [1959] Discussion of John Bowlby’s “Grief and mourning in infancy” [Psychoanal. Study Child, 1960, 15] . In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (426-432)
W19 – “John Bowby [II – Debate de Grief and mourning in infancy]”
*1989xf [1962] The beginnings of a formulation of an appreciation and criticism of Klein’s envy statement. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (447-457, in chapter “Melanie Klein: On her concept of envy”).
W19 – “Melanie Klein: Sobre o seu conceito da Inveja [II – Primórdios de uma formulação de uma apreciação e crítica do enunciado kleiniano da inveja]”
*1989xg [1969] Contribution to a symposium on envy and jealousi. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (462-464, in chapter “Melanie Klein: On her concept of envy”).
W19 – “Melanie Klein: Sobre o seu conceito da Inveja [IV – Contribuição para o simpósio sobre inveja e ciúme]”
* 1989xh [1968] Roots of aggression. In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (458-461, in chapter “Melanie Klein: On her concept of envy”).
W19 – “Melanie Klein: Sobre o seu conceito da Inveja [III – As raízes da agressão]”
*1989xi [1960] Comments on Joseph Sandler’s “On the concept of the superego” [Psychoanal. Study Child, 1960, 15] . In Psychoanalytic Explorations (1989a). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1989 (465-473).
W19 – “Joseph Sandler – Comentários sobre On the concept of the superego”
*1993a Talking to Parents, eds. C.Winnicott/C.Bollas/M.Davis/R.Shepherd. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley 1993.
W20 – Conversando com os pais
*1993b [1969] The building up of trust. In Talking to Parents (1993a). Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley 1993 (121-134).
W20 – “A construção da confiança”
*1993c [1962] The development of a child’s sense of right and wrong. In Talking to Parents (1993a). Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley 1993 (105-110).
W20 – “O desenvolvimento na criança do sentido de certo e errado”
*1993d [1961] Feeling guilty. In Talking to Parents (1993a). Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley 1993 (95-103).
W20 – “Sentimento de culpa”
*1993e [1960] Jealousy. In Talking to Parents (1993a). Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley 1993 (41-64).
W20 – “Ciúme”
*1993f [1960] Saying “No”. In Talking to Parents (1993a). Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley 1993 (21-39).
W20 – “Dizer ‘não'”
*1993g [1955] For stepparents. In Talking to Parents (1993a). Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley 1993 (7-13).
W20 – “Madrastas e padrastos”
*1993h [1956] What do we know about babies as cloth suckers? In Talking to Parents (1993a). Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley 1993 (15-20).
W20 – “O que sabemos a respeito de bebês que chupam pano?”
*1993i [1960] What irks? In Talking to Parents (1993a). Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley 1993 (65-86).
W20 – “O que irrita?”
*1996a Thinking About Children, eds. R.Shepherd/J.Johns/H.T.Robinson. London: Karnac Books 1996.
W21 – Pensando sobre crianças
*1996b [1967] The Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry observed as a group phenomenon. In Thinking About Children (1996a). London: Karnac1996 (235-254).
W21 – “A Associação de Psicologia e Psiquiatria Infantil observada como um fenômeno de grupo”
*1996c [1966] Autism. In Thinking About Children (1996a). London: Karnac 1996 (197-217).
W21 – “Autismo”
*1996d [1966] On cardiac neurosis in children. In Thinking About Children (1996a). London: Karnac 1996 (179-188).
W21 – “Sobre a neurose cardíaca nas crianças”
*1996e [1931] Child psychiatry: The body as affected by psychological factors. In Thinking About Children (1996a). London: Karnac 1996 (176-178).
W21 – “Psiquiatria infantil: o corpo enquanto afetado por fatores psicológicos”
*1996f [1970] Child psychiatry, social work and alternative care. In Thinking About Children (1996a). London: Karnac 1996 (277-281).
W21 – “Psiquiatria infantil, serviço e atendimento alternativo”
*1996g [1959] A clinical approach to family problems: The family. In Thinking About Children (1996a). London: Karnac 1996 (54-56).
W21 – “Uma abordagem clínica aos problemas familiares: a família”
*1996h [1931] A clinical example of symptomatology following the birth of a sibling. In Thinking About Children (1996a). London: Karnac 1996 (97-101).
W21 – “Um exemplo clínico de sintomatologia seguindo-se ao nascimento de um irmão”
*1996i The delinquent and the habitual offender. In Thinking About Children (1996a). London: Karnac 1996 (51-53).
W21 – “O infrator delinquente e habitual”
*1996j [1968] The effect of loss on the young. In Thinking About Children (1996a). London: Karnac 1996 (46-47.
W21 – “O efeito da perda sobre as crianças”
*1996k [1948] Environmental needs. The early stages: Total dependence and essential independence. In Thinking About Children (1996a). London: Karnac1996 (29-36).
W21 – “Necessidades ambientais; os estágios iniciais; dependência total e independência essencial”
*1996l [1936] Mental hygiene of the pre-school child. In Thinking About Children (1996a). London: Karnac 1996 (59-76).
W21 – “Higiene mental da criança pré-escolar”
*1996m The niffle. In Thinking About Children (1996a). London: Karnac 1996 (104-109).
W21 – “O cheiro”
*1996n [1961] Notes on the time factor in treatment. In Thinking About Children (1996a). London: Karnac 1996 (231-234).
W21 – “Notas sobre o fator tempo no tratamento”
*1996o [1948] Primary introduction to external reality: The early stages. In Thinking About Children (1996a). London: Karnac 1996 (21-28).
W21 – “Introdução primária à realidade externa: os estágios iniciais”
*1996p [1936] The teacher, the parent and the doctor. In Thinking About Children (1996a). London: Karnac 1996 (77-93)
W21 – “A professora, os pais e o médico”
*1996q [1950] “Yes, but how do we know it’s true?”. In Thinking About Children (1996a). London: Karnac 1996 (13-18).
W21 – “Sim, mas como saber se isso é verdade?”

Livros de D. W. Winnicott publicados em português
1958a: Collected Papers: Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis. London, Karnac Books and The Institute of Psyco-Analysis, 1992. Trad.: Da pediatria à psicanálise. Rio de Janeiro, Francisco Alves, 1978. (W6)
1964a: The Child, the Family, and the Outside World. USA. A Merlody Lawrence Book, 1987. Trad.: A criança e seu mundo. Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara Koogans, 1982. (W7)
1965a: Family and Individual Development, The. London, Tavistock Publications, 1965. Trad.: A família e o desenvolvimento individual. São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 1993. (W8)
1965b: The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment. London, Karnac Books, 1990. Trad.: O ambiente e os processos de maturação. Porto Alegre, Artes Médicas, 1983. (W9)
1971a: Playing and Reality. London, Tavistock Publications, 1996. Trad.: O brincar e a realidade. Rio de Janeiro, Imago, 1975. (W10)
1971b: Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry. Londres, Karnac Books, 1996. Trad.: Consultas terapêuticas em psiquiatria Infantil. Rio de Janeiro, Imago, 1984. (W11)
1977: The Piggle: An Account of the Psychoanalitic Treatment of a Little Girl. Londres, Penguin Books. Trad.: The Piggle: o relato do tratamento psicanalítico de uma menina. Rio de Janeiro, Imago, 1979. (W12)
1984a: Deprivation and Delinquency. Londres, Tavistock-Routledge. 1994. Trad.: Privação e delinqüência. São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 1995. (W13)
1986b: Home is Where We Start From. Londres, Penguin Books, 1986. Trad.: Tudo começa em casa. São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 1993. (W14)
1986a: Holding and Interpretation: Fragment of an Analysis. London, Karnac Books. Trad.: Holding e interpretação. São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 1991. (W15)
1987a: Babies and Their Mothers. London, Free Association Books. Trad.: Os bebês e suas mães. São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 1988. (W16)
1987b: The Spontaneous Gesture, Selected Letters. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1987. Trad.: O gesto espontâneo. São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 1990. (W17)
1988: Human Nature. London, Free Association Books. Trad.: Natureza humana. Rio de Janeiro, Imago, 1990. (W18)
1989a: Psycho-Analytic Explorations. Londres, Karnac Books, 1989. Trad.: Explorações psicanalíticas. Porto Alegre, Artes Médicas, 1994. (W19)
1993a: Talking to Parents. Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley, 1993.Trad.: Conversando sobre crianças [com os pais] . São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 1993. (W20)
1996a: Thinking About Children. London, Karnac Books. Trad.: Pensando sobre crianças. Porto Alegre, Artes Médicas, 1997. (W21)

Siglas estabelecidas por Harry Karnac para os livros de D. W. Winnicott*
As siglas marcadas com asteriscos (*) correspondem aos livros traduzidos para o português. Preservamos o padrão de apresentação de dados bibliográficos seguido por Harry Karnac.
W1 Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood. London: Heinemann, 1931.
W2 Getting to Know Your Baby. London: Heinemann, 1945.
W3 The Ordinary Devoted Mother and Her Baby. Privately published, 1949.
W4 The Child and the Family. London: Tavistock, 1957.
W5 The Child and the Outside World. London: Tavistock, 1957.
* W6 Collected Papers: Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, 1958. New York: Basic Books, 1958. [Reprinted as Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis. London: Hogarth Press & the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1975; reprinted London: Karnac Books, 1992] .
* W7 The Child, the Family and the Outside World. London: Penguin, 1964. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley,- 1987.
* W8 The Family and Individual Development. London: Tavistock, 1965.
* W9 The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment: Studies in the Theory of Emotional Development. London: Hogarth Press & The Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1965. New York: International Universities Press, 1965. [Reprinted London: Karnac Books, 1990.]
* W10 Playing and Reality. London: Tavistock, 1971. New York: Methuen, 1982.
* W11 Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry. London: Hogarth Press & The Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1971. New York: Basic Books, 1971.
* W12 The Piggle: An Account of the Psycho-Analytic Treatment of a Little Girl (ed. Ishak Ramzy). London: Hogarth Press & The Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1977. New York: International Universities Press, 1977.
* W13 Deprivation and Delinquency (ed. C. Winnicott, R. Shepherd, & M. Davis). London: Tavistock, 1984. New York: Methuen, 1984.
* W14 Home Is Where We Start From (ed. C. Winnicott, R. Shepherd, & M. Davis). London: Penguin, 1986. New York: W. W. Norton, 1986.
* W15 Holding and Interpretation: Fragment Of an Analysis . London: Hogarth Press & The Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1986. New York: Grove Press, 1986. [Reprinted London: Karnac Books, 1989.]
* W16 Babies and Their Mothers (ed. C. Winnicott, R. Shepherd, & M. Davis). London: Free Association Books, 1987. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1987.
* W17 The Spontaneous Gesture (Selected Letters, ed. F. R. Rodman). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987.
* W18 Human Nature. London: Free Association Books, 1988. New York: Schocken Books, 1988.
* W19 Psycho-Analytic Explorations (ed. C. Winnicott, R. Shepherd, & M. Davis). London: Karnac Books, 1989. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989.
* W20 Talking to Parents (ed. C. Winnicott, C. Bollas, M. Davis, & R. Shepherd). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1993.
* W21 Thinking About Children (ed. R. Shepherd, J. Johns, & H. Taylor Robinson). London: Karnac Books, 1996. Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley, 1996.
Quadro completo de correspondência entre as siglas de Harry Karnac e o padrão de citação de Knud Hjulmand