1.   New group of trainees

2.   New team of English speaking teachers, from the Brazilian Winnicott Institute and/or it´s IWA collaborators

  1. Duration: two years, 2019 -2020, divided in 4 modules (of 5 days each)
  2. Year periods: May and November
  3. The program: condensed version of the 2014-2016 program
  4. Time schedule: morning and afternoon classes


  1. Summary

The general objective of the Program is to present the structure of Winnicott´s psychoanalysis as a whole by explaining its theoretical structure, its instrumental commitments, its clinical procedures and its applicability to preventing different kinds of individual and social disorders. At the same time, the Program will offer an overview of Winnicott´s place in the history of psychoanalysis and other areas of health care, with a special emphasis on his relation to Freud and M. Klein. There will be discussion of cases taken from Winnicott´s writings and supervision of case reports presented by the trainees.

Time schedule 

  1. Morning classes: lectures on the structure of Winnicott´s psychoanalytic theory and practice
  2. Afternoon classes: supervision of cases presented by the participants

III.     Contents of the Theoretical Part of the Course in modules (morning classes)

Module I – May 2019
            Subject A) Winnicott´s paradigm
            The objective in this module is to present a general view of Winnicott´s psychoanalysis within the framework of contemporary theory of science based on Kuhn´s theory of paradigms, with emphasis on the revolutionary character of Winnicott´s contribution.

Subject B) Winnicott´s theory of the maturational processes
              This topic shall address the central part of Winnicott´s paradigm: his theory of the emotional and personal maturational processes, used by him as the frame of reference for his maturational psychopathology, clinical practices and prevention.

Module II – November 2019

Subject: Winnicott´s maturational pathology I: psychoses and psycho-somatic disorders
            This module shall be dedicated to the study of reactions and defenses against interruptions of the maturational process originating from the environmental failures that take place at the very early stages individual´s development during the period of absolute dependence (approximately in the first year, before or during the I AM stage) and result in primitive agonies.Maturational disorders of this kind are designated by Winnicott by the general name of psychoses (which include personality splits, self-holding, schizoid states, exploration of subjective phenomena and autistics states) and psycho-somatic disorders (depersonalization).

Module III – May 2020

Subject: Winnicott´s maturational pathology II: other maturational disorders

In this module shall be examined disorders which have their point of origin in the maturational process following the acquisition of the unit status (at the I AM stage), in particular depression, anti-social tendency, neuroses, maturational problems in adolescence and in adult social life.

Module IV – November 2020

Subject: Winnicott´s clinical practices

A) Summary of Winnicott´s views on clinical phenomena

Under this topic shall be studied 1) different modalities of transference, 2) analyst´s counter-transference (attitudes, roles, responses and behavior), 3) clinical phenomena emerging during the treatment (psychotic breakdown, regression to dependence etc.), 4) the course and the end of the treatment.

B) Winnicott´s definition of the aims and nature of the psychoanalytic treatment

Topics to be studied include procedures inherited from traditional psychoanalysis and modified by Winnicott, in particular the treatment by verbalization and interpretation, as well as modalities of treatment that are specific to Winnicott´s paradigm proper, such as playing roles and management in individual settings.

C) Winnicott´s main clinical procedures on other fields of health care
    Application of these procedures outside psychoanalytic individual settings shall also be considered, in particular in the fields of pediatrics, child psychiatry (therapeutic consultations and squiggle games, on demand therapy), casework and in other extended settings, such as families, hospitals, hostels, etc., where different kinds of environmental provision are offered.

D) Clinical illustrations taken from cases reported by Winnicott


  1. Summary

The general objective of the Advanced Sino-Brazilian Training Course in Winnicott’s Psychoanalysis, 2017-2018, is to reexamine Winnicott´s psychoanalysis as a whole, by studying in detail specific aspects of its theoretical structure, its instrumental commitments, its clinical procedures and its applicability to preventing different kinds of individual and social disorders. At the same time, the Course will deepen the presentation of Winnicott´s place in the history of psychoanalysis and other areas of health care given in the Basic Course. There will be discussion of cases taken from Winnicott´s writings and supervision of case reports presented by the trainees.

II. Time schedule 

  1. Morning classes: lectures on the structure of Winnicott´s psychoanalytic theory and practice
  2. Afternoon classes: supervision of cases presented by the participants

III. Professors: Elsa Oliveira Dias and Zeljko Loparic

IV. Contents of the Theoretical Part of the Course in modules (morning classes)

Module 1, May 2019

Subject: Maturation theory – maturational process starting from the period and stages of absolute dependence to the periods of interdependence and maturity.

Basic Bibliography:

Winnicott, D. W. 1986: Home is where we start from.

Winnicott, D. W. 1988: Human nature.

Module 2, November 2019

The subject: Maturational pathology – health problems related to the maturational process at any stage (age); their origin, nature and classification.

Basic Bibliography:

Winnicott, D. W. 1958. From pediatrics to psychoanalysis.

Winnicott, D. W. 1965: The maturational processes and the facilitating environment.

Module 3, May 2020

The subject: Treatment of the disturbances of the process of maturation at successive stages.

Basic Bibliography:

Winnicott, D. W. 1958. From pediatrics to psychoanalysis,

Winnicott, D. W. 1965: The maturational processes and the facilitating environment.

Winnicott, D. W. 1989: Psychoanalytic explorations.

 Module 4, November 2020

Subject: Illustration of concepts, theories and procedures of modules 1-3 by Winnicott´s clinical cases.

Basic Bibliography:

Winnicott, D. W. 1958. From pediatrics to psychoanalysis.

Winnicott, D. W. 1965: The maturational processes and the facilitating environment.

Winnicott, D. W. 1971: Playing and reality.